Me with our 5 year old granddaughter, Eleanor at John Ball Park Zoo.

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This is me with our beautiful granddaughter, Eleanor at John Ball Park Zoo in G.R. Michigan. I couldn't do all the great things I'm doing now with our grandkids before my 100+ pound weight loss! Our daughter, and grandkids came and spent 6 days, and 5 nights with us last week. We did lots of things everyday they were here! We went swimming at the Lake 3X's, went to the Zoo, went out to eat a couple times( Not that I can eat much! LOL) went on a zip line, took a nice couple mile walk on the beach and pere, went to the movies to see "Monster's University", went for a 5 mile bike ride, and just played with the grandkids. Had so much fun, and a year ago I could not have done all this because of my weight! It's held me back so many years, and it's great to finally have a summer I can actually enjoy myself, and have FUN without feeling all tired out, and self conscience about myself!