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I have been thinking about getting the lap band for the past two years now. And I have absolutly no support from family. Only from my DH. But everyone else says I can just walk the weight off, or in my mothers words " stop eating so much". So I got up the nerves to talk to my PC about it and she wrote a letter for my insurance company to pay. I'm just waiting for them to give me the call back and let me know what the deal is. I want this so bad I can taste it. I have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and pcos. With the weight lose I can get rid of them all. I just want to know what are all of the test and evals about? What steps have to be taken before surgery? And how long after the all clear from the insurance company did you wait to have your band?



I'm so excited to be here, probably the only support I'll have.


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I have been thinking about getting the lap band for the past two years now. And I have absolutly no support from family. Only from my DH. But everyone else says I can just walk the weight off, or in my mothers words " stop eating so much". So I got up the nerves to talk to my PC about it and she wrote a letter for my insurance company to pay. I'm just waiting for them to give me the call back and let me know what the deal is. I want this so bad I can taste it. I have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and pcos. With the weight lose I can get rid of them all. I just want to know what are all of the test and evals about? What steps have to be taken before surgery? And how long after the all clear from the insurance company did you wait to have your band?

I'm so excited to be here, probably the only support I'll have.


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Hey there-

I went to a seminar around the 15th of May, filled out paperwork, had first appt. with the nurse practitioner last week and have my first dietary consult (for my 3 month pre surgery dr. supervised diet- per insurance) next Thursday. That being said, it should be Oct. when I have surgery-pending the psych eval (also insurance requirement)etc. So all in all, I would say it can be a pretty fast process 3-6 months. I have just recently joined this blog/support group. I have to say it has been really helpful. Good to know that we can be here for eachother. Please feel free to message me any time!!! good luck!!!!

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Well each physician is different. I had a Upper GI Seris, Chest xray, Ultrasound of GB and Pancreas. I also had a host of blood test, EKG, ABGs. I had a psych eval, nutritonal consult. I officially decised to have surgery in September 2009. My insurance requires 6 continous months of my PCP following me for weightloss and it must be documented. Because I had been following him every month I had 2-3 visits already under my belt. After all the test and etc. I was approved January 7, 2009 and I had surgery February 23, 2009. As far as support I did not tell many people I was having surgery, especially my family. This is a life threatening decision I had to make. It is so easy to say stop eating or walk it off especilly when they are not in your shoes. I think everyone believes that thi is a easy task but its not. We still hve to work hrd, eat right and exercise. Good luck on your journey to a new you.

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You can get a copy of your insurance policy's bariatric section just by making a phone call and asking them for it. It will outline all the requirements you have as everyone's are a little different.

I started my required 6 mo. diet/exercise program Nov. '08, was approved the beginning of April and had surgery 4/22/09. I had to go through the following tests: sleep study, cardiologist, psychologist, pulmonary, nutritionist, a consult with my surgeon and a pre-op class.

Good luck and keep asking questions! -BG

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