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Still no weight loss....maybe even weight gain?

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Well, this the longest I have gone without any weight loss. In fact I'm up a pound. I am trying to up my calories a bit for awhile and then bring them back down, just to fool my body.


This is so frustrating....I was losing 2 or more lbs a week for a long time, and now in the last 10 days, I have gained 1lb.


I'm tighter then the past, so, I'm going to use a little hot water to help in the morning. I am thinking about just changing my food routines as much as possible to get things going.


I'm going to pretend like the 1lb gain is muscle this week. There now I feel much better.:biggrin:

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Well, this the longest I have gone without any weight loss. In fact I'm up a pound. I am trying to up my calories a bit for awhile and then bring them back down, just to fool my body.

This is so frustrating....I was losing 2 or more lbs a week for a long time, and now in the last 10 days, I have gained 1lb.

I'm tighter then the past, so, I'm going to use a little hot water to help in the morning. I am thinking about just changing my food routines as much as possible to get things going.

I'm going to pretend like the 1lb gain is muscle this week. There now I feel much better.:)

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yes, its muscle! Good thinking! smart of you to change up the routine - exactly what should get things started again!

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