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I read a few entries today and want to make sure you have a very clear understanding. LB is not a miracle, you can't continue your bad habits of before and expect to lose weight. If you are getting the LB and think you can set on the couch and eat bonbons all day and then whine bitch and moan because your not losing weight DON"T GET A LAPBAND. You can't drink that beer as one guy complained, or I am still drinking cola as another complained and don't understand why after a year she had lost only 20 pounds. The LB is a lifestyle change not a cosmetic. If you are unwilling to follow your doctors orders for eating and exercise save your money, go on a cruise and stuff yourself at the buffet. The LB for me is a great tool, it gives me more control than I had before, I can eat, sleep, and exercise to become a better and healthier person. Eating, follow your doctors directions, follow the good advise on here ask your nutritionist when you have questions, find what works for you and do it. Exercise, you have to do it, get off your butt, walk, mow the yard, do your honey do list, whatever it takes to stay busy. The more you do the more you feel like doing. It gets better everyday, not easy but better. Sleep: this lets your body recharge, if you are not getting sleep you are not losing weight. Make a plan and stick to it. Last of my rant is don't compare yourself to anyone else on here, what you lose is what you lose based on what you ate, slept and exercised. Sorry I just had to get this off my chest after reading a few post from those who whine bitch and moan and won't get off their butts. Exercise is the hardest thing I do, but I do it. Pushing myself away from the table is hard, but I do it. Making myself go to bed at 8:30 at night so I can get 8 hours sleep is hard but I do it. The reward for this is that I feel better, I look better, I have more energy, I am alive again and I might just live a few more years.

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I read a few entries today and want to make sure you have a very clear understanding. LB is not a miracle, you can't continue your bad habits of before and expect to lose weight. If you are getting the LB and think you can set on the couch and eat bonbons all day and then whine bitch and moan because your not losing weight DON"T GET A LAPBAND. You can't drink that beer as one guy complained, or I am still drinking cola as another complained and don't understand why after a year she had lost only 20 pounds. The LB is a lifestyle change not a cosmetic. If you are unwilling to follow your doctors orders for eating and exercise save your money, go on a cruise and stuff yourself at the buffet. The LB for me is a great tool, it gives me more control than I had before, I can eat, sleep, and exercise to become a better and healthier person. Eating, follow your doctors directions, follow the good advise on here ask your nutritionist when you have questions, find what works for you and do it. Exercise, you have to do it, get off your butt, walk, mow the yard, do your honey do list, whatever it takes to stay busy. The more you do the more you feel like doing. It gets better everyday, not easy but better. Sleep: this lets your body recharge, if you are not getting sleep you are not losing weight. Make a plan and stick to it. Last of my rant is don't compare yourself to anyone else on here, what you lose is what you lose based on what you ate, slept and exercised. Sorry I just had to get this off my chest after reading a few post from those who whine bitch and moan and won't get off their butts. Exercise is the hardest thing I do, but I do it. Pushing myself away from the table is hard, but I do it. Making myself go to bed at 8:30 at night so I can get 8 hours sleep is hard but I do it. The reward for this is that I feel better, I look better, I have more energy, I am alive again and I might just live a few more years.

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Here Here! This is a great Blog to read today! I agree 1 million percent! This LB for me is a new way of living and I am loving it!

I love the changes in my diet and I love the CHANGES in ME! thetig

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Some of us are not bitching. We have not been as successful...do we just give up? Or can we start over? I'm happy for you....very. I've felt a loss of 25 and w/out fills and maintenance have gained most back. Do I give up? Or can I start over? Mind over matter. Takes some of us longer to "get it" and shouldn't blame anyone else. But I didn't come here to "bitch" or "moan" afterall I choose to put the food in my mouth and sit in my car 2.5 hours a day (commute to work) and another 8 hours on my butt (at my desk answering the phone).... do I quit or can I start over? Banded in 04.....2 fills in 5 years....15 lbs lost. 215/200 What to do? What to do?

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I just want to weigh in here. This blog section here is a place you can say, rant, yell, whatever you want because it is your journal, it's not a question/answer forum (so Greg you have every right to say what you want here, I do). There is also a 'rants/raves' section on the forum. I too get a little frustrated with those that post the type of complaints you described on the regular forums, but I try to remind myself that this is a support network. Some obviously did not do basic research into the LB before getting it and are now surprised by what they need to do, not the band. I don't think Greg (correct me if I'm wrong Greg) was talking about posts like yours Shelly where people recognize it's them that needs to change to reach success...we're all going to have times we slip up, some for longer than others and I for one will be the first to come here for support when I do slip up and need to get back on track...if I had the willpower to do everything perfectly my doc says on my own I would have by now and I wouldn't need the LB. The type of posts I get frustrated with are the ones where the person doesn't really want to learn or change anything and gets mad that the band isn't doing it for them. I find if I can't answer those complaints nicely, then I just move on to someone else that I can help who is ready to make the changes that they need to make...and then I'm there to support them. JMO -BG

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I just want to weigh in here. This blog section here is a place you can say, rant, yell, whatever you want because it is your journal, it's not a question/answer forum (so Greg you have every right to say what you want here, I do). There is also a 'rants/raves' section on the forum. I too get a little frustrated with those that post the type of complaints you described on the regular forums, but I try to remind myself that this is a support network. Some obviously did not do basic research into the LB before getting it and are now surprised by what they need to do, not the band. I don't think Greg (correct me if I'm wrong Greg) was talking about posts like yours Shelly where people recognize it's them that needs to change to reach success...we're all going to have times we slip up, some for longer than others and I for one will be the first to come here for support when I do slip up and need to get back on track...if I had the willpower to do everything perfectly my doc says on my own I would have by now and I wouldn't need the LB. The type of posts I get frustrated with are the ones where the person doesn't really want to learn or change anything and gets mad that the band isn't doing it for them. I find if I can't answer those complaints nicely, then I just move on to someone else that I can help who is ready to make the changes that they[/i'] need to make...and then I'm there to support them. JMO -BG
Band_Groupie is correct, no offense to anyone. My blog is my blog, I am more writing to myself than anyone else. And I understand the frustrations that go with this as well s anyone. I went from 12 diet cokes a day, so I really don't have a lot of feelings for the collective who bitch about soda's. I read again today about a person who got a fill and had a coke now has issues and does not understand. I understand the guy who does not feel like a man anymore because he can't have a beer, and feels threatened because he has to have wine or spirits (no really I don't understand him). And thanks Band_Groupie for understanding. And for the person who did not like my Blog, I did not mean to offend you. I am just talking to myself. I guess I need to Twitter these thoughts...:)

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