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Dear Band Groupie -

Love your blog. I've been keeping up with your progress. The hardest part is over, I'm sure :wink:) -mscarly

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i love naps, especially when it is cloudy and rainy out. Hope you get your full 40 winks and NO MORE! :) Take care, mush food is on the horizon! k

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Yeah, I've always been jealous of those that can take a short nap and wake up feeling great...not me.

I slept 8 hours last night and got up at 6:30am...was ready for a nap by 9:30am, but I didn't go. I just had one of my 'cheats' protein drinks and I'm feeling a little more energy. I've been reading that some feel this way until they get back on food...well that's still a week out for me. I can't stand another week of this. I think I'll try another protein drink later today and see if more protein will get me going...I just feel weak and super tired, which isn't like me at all. The more I move around the worse I feel. No biggie, just annoying.

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how bout some exercise? walking, will that help any? It is supposed to energize your metabolism, right? Not at all looking forward to no food, :). And i need to schedule a colonoscopy...during the liquid diet, after the band, before real food? when will be a good time? I know, I'll ask the DR TOMORROW at my APPT! yeeeehaaww!

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