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Getting ready

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Well I have one more week to go until Band Day. this week is liquids and 1 small meal. Saturday I start all liquids. It's really not to bad. I found some protein stuff I really like and have some variety. It's my mind that's starving. I have to turn food commercials off on TV and can't be around food just sitting there, or else! The gremlin comes out in me! heheh

I just want this to be over so I can get on with my life. All I look at are normal size clothing and dream! Well good luck to all in Band Land! hugs...bb:wub:

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Well I have one more week to go until Band Day. this week is liquids and 1 small meal. Saturday I start all liquids. It's really not to bad. I found some protein stuff I really like and have some variety. It's my mind that's starving. I have to turn food commercials off on TV and can't be around food just sitting there, or else! The gremlin comes out in me! heheh

I just want this to be over so I can get on with my life. All I look at are normal size clothing and dream! Well good luck to all in Band Land! hugs...bb:wub:

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I know what you mean about the TV! Cingulus (also a mayo bandito) calls it the food porn! I am trying to retrain myself to think that all that greasy cheesy stuff is disgusting. Sometimes I believe it (those Carls Junior commercials are disgusting!) but sometimes I just want it!!! Onr nite I was watching Biggest Loser and there was a McDonalds commercial which was a two-for-one deal and the last line said of the two Big Macs, "Give one to a friend or have it yourself, we wont tell!" I thought how sad is that and of course they are targeting people like me who watch BL and dream of being thin! GOOd luck, I'll be thinking of you, mine is May 6th!!! Cali

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