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The beginning of a long journey

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I'm so friggin excited I could scream!! I have my surgery date....5/8/09. 1/2 of me is scared/nervous and 1/2 of me just can't wait to get it done. I'm hoping and praying it will all go well for me. Good luck all! bb P.S. I am so ready, have all my food, doing liquid diet, doing great.:thumbup:

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I'm so friggin excited I could scream!! I have my surgery date....5/8/09. 1/2 of me is scared/nervous and 1/2 of me just can't wait to get it done. I'm hoping and praying it will all go well for me. Good luck all! bb P.S. I am so ready, have all my food, doing liquid diet, doing great.:thumbup:

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Congradulations!!!! I just got banded yesterday. I was really nervous once I got to the surgery center, but everything went really smooth. I am sore right now, but other than that Iam doing well. Not completely starving like I thought I would be. Still on liquid diet, but I know it's just gonna get better from here. You will do great! Here's to the start of your new healthy life!!!! Let's live it up!

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Good luck on your Journey Jackie, just remember this is only a tool, you have to do the real work and it will be work, but just think how awesome you are going to feel puting on that new, size 10, sexy red outfit (or what ever is your dream outfit), mine is red! hehehe...Betz

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