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pre surgery advice?

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Well I am two months away from having lap band surgery and I am getting nervous. Emotional to I think I might actually be scared to be skinny. I have been overwieght my entire life. Picked on, looked at, and skimmed over by the rest of the world since I can remember. I am on here looking for insight, guidance, friends, and support. I hope I find these things along the way. I have read a few blogs to get acquainted with the site and am amazed at the wieght loss. This gives me high hopes. Anyone with any pre surgery advice please send me a message I would be very grateful. :tounge_smile:

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Well I am two months away from having lap band surgery and I am getting nervous. Emotional to I think I might actually be scared to be skinny. I have been overwieght my entire life. Picked on, looked at, and skimmed over by the rest of the world since I can remember. I am on here looking for insight, guidance, friends, and support. I hope I find these things along the way. I have read a few blogs to get acquainted with the site and am amazed at the wieght loss. This gives me high hopes. Anyone with any pre surgery advice please send me a message I would be very grateful. :scared2:

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im looking to talk too people that are in the same boat would also like to know how long you,ve been waiting i feel like im getting run around

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How exciting, I am not that far into it all but I will say that it was the best decision of my life! The surgery itself was cake, try to get up and walk a lot, that will really help with the pain and work out the gas they put into you, get a good protein shake and you are set...

You will be very swollen in the beginning so don't even think about hopping on the scale that quickly, you might see a gain. Good luck and feel free to send me a messabe anytime.... Julie

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Same here! I was banded eight days ago! I am excited and scared all at once. The six months of waiting, doing supervised wl with my family doc. was the worst! The surgery itself has been easy and I would definitely recommend it to others at this point!

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Hello everyone!

I just finished reading all the posts, so I figured I'd comment.

As ridiculous as it sounds to someone who isn't "one of us," the thought of being skinny can be scary. When I went for my banding I was so nervous/scared/anxious/emotional. Now, I'm normally not like that. As a matter of fact, I quite enjoy surgery. I get to go in, have people take care of me, get the most AWESOME drugs, have people take care of me some more, usually get even more fun drugs and lay around and do nothing but recover! What could be better? But on the way down to the hospital, I was in tears! I couldn't figure it out. It's a relatively low risk procedure, and I have a very high pain threshold, so why was I so...scared?

Finally, it hit me. I think a tiny part of it, was not knowing what to expect as far as pain, but like I said, I have a high threshold for pain. Then I figured out that when you've been a certain way your whole life change is scary. All I had ever been was either fat, worried about getting fat, or "fatter." What if it didn't work? What if I messed it up? This was my last chance and I could not mess this one up. What if I don't lose but, like 20 pounds? What if I failed yet again? I think the failing wasn't as scary as knowing that for me, this was my last chance. And so I decided; no way in hell I was letting this chance at a new life slip through my fingers...and it hasn't!

I go tomorrow for my 4 month weigh in, and I should be down just under 50 pounds! I do everything I'm supposed to do...almost; I've GOT to start working out! My life is so great, that I can't believe it's mine! So, you can do this; you just have to want it badly enough.

Here's what's helped me out. I hope it helps you. Good Luck!

After you're post op, you go through "Bandster's Hell." This happens because although you have the band in place, there's nothing in it. They give you the first month to heal, so basically you get to where you could eat whatever you wanted; DON’T! You can make it through this. I did. I was banded December 22, so I had to go through Christmas on liquids...of course I knew that if I made it through that I could make it through anything. Get LOTS of liquid protein. Special K makes a great protein mix for water. They're 5 grams each. New Whey makes this gross tasting, low cal, fat free high protein supplement; that's what saved me during that first month. If you take in enough protein, it's impossible for you to be physically hungry...psychologically hungry, yes, but physically hungry, no. You just have to fight off that "head hunger." Not only did I make it through that first month; I lost 16 pounds, and when I had to come off sugar for that month I never went back on.

Find something to do that you like more than eating. Yes, there is. There is something that you like more than eating; you just have to find it. For me, it was painting. Knit, work crossword puzzles, bird watch, whittle, write, color, call or visit with friends, sculpt whatever, just find something, and when you want to eat, go do what that something is.

GasX strips...lots of GasX strips.

While you're getting used to being without food, let your family fend for themselves when it comes to meals. It won't kill them for a month. Don't torture yourself by having to fix fried chicken and mashed potatoes. If they want it that bad, let them fix it. If you have to, leave the house and go somewhere; they'll be fine.

When you do get to eat, remember; Protein first...then if you have enough room, you can work in some carbs.

Chew and chew and chew. Don't worry; this rule is actually pretty easy to get used to. You'll only forget to do this a few times; it's that painful...seriously!

Drink lots of water. Not drinking water with my meals was the hardest thing for me to get used to. If you're not properly hydrated, it's hell.

Don't listen to idiots if they say stupid stuff to you, when they find out you've been banded. As my dear, sweet mama said to me, one day when I was complaining about this very thing, "Tell them they can either kiss your fat ass now, or they can wait a few months and kiss your skinny ass."

Remember that the band is only a "tool." It's not a magic, cure-all. There are ways to fail with the band, and that is to not do what you're supposed to as far as eating goes, or not letting your doctor know if you're not properly adjusted.

Also, it normally takes a few "fills" before they find the "sweet spot" and get you to just the right amount of restriction. They can't just go in there and pump you full of saline; it has to be done gradually. You'll probably still "feel it," (I did) it just takes a few times until they hit it just right.

My only regret with my band is that I didn't do it sooner! It is without a doubt the best decision I've ever made...well, no, that's not true; leaving my first husband was the best decision I've ever made, but after that it's definitely the band!

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ive taken 5 yrs. to have the band it was a long desicion my sis had gastric bypass and has been sick ever since she didnt listen to anything they told her to do i dont know why she bothered

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today i go to another meeting then an appt. with surgeon june 29 it seems like a long time im in portland maine

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