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4/14/09 Foodie Family

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I had an interesting Easter weekend. In case you’re not caught up, we went to Ohio to see my family. We had a really nice time, but it was a smaller crowd…just my folks and two of my sisters/families (I have 4 siblings)…and one of those sisters/family I only saw on Sunday evening as they were returning from Spring Break in Florida.


The interesting part was the ‘food’ aspects. I wasn’t expecting what I got, partly because I knew that Mom and the one sister who was around all weekend have been enrolled in Weight Watchers for several months now. Sure, I was expecting Easter candy, but I became acutely aware of how much of our family time revolves around food (reminder here that I’m the ‘thinner’/'same as some' sibling of the 5 of us and Mom and Dad are only little overweight). My Mom shows her love for us through food, and let me just say here she’s recovering from foot surgery (still wearing the ‘boot’), so there was way less home cooking than usual. We even ordered out dinner one night…blasphemy for Mom. As bad a cook as I am, Mom is that good. Sure, I’ve been on a myriad of diets around my family before, but I must have cheated around them way more than I realized, because this time was SO different.


I arrived to find a box of dark chocolate covered raspberry sticks on my bedside…my two favorite flavors together (Mom’s a sweetie)…I felt bad doing it, but I left them there…I had to…no way would they have been safe at my house. Yes, I could have thrown them away, but I figured maybe I needed to send the message…don’t tempt me. I took my protein shakes for breakfast…Mom was up every morning before me…gourmet coffee made, bacon sizzling, homemade preserves and apple butter laid out, croissants and pain-au-chocolat (which had risen overnight…also my favorite French food) baking in the oven, Krispy Kremes in my favorite flavor-raspberry filling, DH’s favorite glazed, and eggs made to order…my kids were in heaven! DS2 made up a song for my Mom years ago entitled “Bacon and Eggs” and came down singing it (his grandmother ‘makes the best eyeball eggs ever!’…fried in bacon grease). I told her that I’m dieting and took out my protein shake to drink…I know she was disappointed and I felt bad that she had prepared all my favorite things.


I stuck to the protein shakes for breakfast, but we had pizza and Chinese for dinners and lunch at Olive Garden (soup, salad, - the breadsticks, but still probably a ton of calories)…I tried to eat the healthy stuff. Sunday morning I had my shake and then Mom had everyone over for brunch after church. I ate a little of the egg casserole (with bread stuffing, sausage, cream and cheese…hmmm) and some fruit (until I remembered it was sugared). The Kringle did me in though…if you don’t know what one is they’re an enormous flat oval Danish treat covered in soft yummy icing and filled with anything you can imagine from fruit to nuts. My sister was sitting next to me in the family room and commented on my small plate of food. When I told her I was dieting she even said ‘But it’s Easter!!!’ I looked at her and said ‘Stop the Satan talk…please don’t tempt me!’…she protested a little more and then gave up (I get it…I never liked to see someone dieting as I was stuffing my face either…misery loves company). As everyone was later munching on their Easter basket candy I stole back in and took just a sliver of the Kringle before it was gone…I immediately felt awful.


I suddenly realized then that in the past I’d usually made ‘excuses’ for holidays too…it’s a holiday, a vacation, we’re out to eat, a trip to the family, there’s nothing healthy so I have to eat it. I heard both my sister and mom make those excuses on why they weren’t following their Weight Watchers diets…I don’t say that to blame them, it’s just that it made me realize that’s what I’d usually done in the past also. My one sister, who has diabetes, high blood pressure, and has had two mini-strokes, joined us for our last dinner. There were margaritas, honey baked ham, beans slathered in butter, potato casserole (with cornflakes, cream and tons of butter and cheese), rolls and a carrot sheet cake that could have fed 4x as many people. It was hard to just choose the ham and beans and insist we didn’t need to take home any carrot cake. I got home and found ½ my Mom’s enormous homemade lemon butter pound cake in a bag.


I reflected on the food frenzy of the weekend coming home. In the past I wouldn’t have thought much about it at all (even on a diet) because I’m so used to it, but this weekend was like a smack in the face…a wake-up-call. I’m glad my family saw me eating less and drinking protein shakes. It will make it easier to explain things post-op since I’m not telling anyone. I even announced that I’d lost 20+ pounds since they last saw me so they wouldn’t be shocked when they see me next. No one had noticed the weight loss…my youngest sister said ‘That’s nothing, I’ve lost 40# before and no one’s noticed…the fatter you are the less you can tell!’ My family is used to seeing me lose major weight though…what they’re not used to is me KEEPING IT OFF! 6a00d8341d261b53ef0105371cd25a970b-800wi


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I had an interesting Easter weekend. In case you’re not caught up, we went to Ohio to see my family. We had a really nice time, but it was a smaller crowd…just my folks and two of my sisters/families (I have 4 siblings)…and one of those sisters/family I only saw on Sunday evening as they were returning from Spring Break in Florida.

The interesting part was the ‘food’ aspects. I wasn’t expecting what I got, partly because I knew that Mom and the one sister who was around all weekend have been enrolled in Weight Watchers for several months now. Sure, I was expecting Easter candy, but I became acutely aware of how much of our family time revolves around food (reminder here that I’m the ‘thinner’/'same as some' sibling of the 5 of us and Mom and Dad are only little overweight). My Mom shows her love for us through food, and let me just say here she’s recovering from foot surgery (still wearing the ‘boot’), so there was way less home cooking than usual. We even ordered out dinner one night…blasphemy for Mom. As bad a cook as I am, Mom is that good. Sure, I’ve been on a myriad of diets around my family before, but I must have cheated around them way more than I realized, because this time was SO different.

I arrived to find a box of dark chocolate covered raspberry sticks on my bedside…my two favorite flavors together (Mom’s a sweetie)…I felt bad doing it, but I left them there…I had to…no way would they have been safe at my house. Yes, I could have thrown them away, but I figured maybe I needed to send the message…don’t tempt me. I took my protein shakes for breakfast…Mom was up every morning before me…gourmet coffee made, bacon sizzling, homemade preserves and apple butter laid out, croissants and pain-au-chocolat (which had risen overnight…also my favorite French food) baking in the oven, Krispy Kremes in my favorite flavor-raspberry filling, DH’s favorite glazed, and eggs made to order…my kids were in heaven! DS2 made up a song for my Mom years ago entitled “Bacon and Eggs” and came down singing it (his grandmother ‘makes the best eyeball eggs ever!’…fried in bacon grease). I told her that I’m dieting and took out my protein shake to drink…I know she was disappointed and I felt bad that she had prepared all my favorite things.

I stuck to the protein shakes for breakfast, but we had pizza and Chinese for dinners and lunch at Olive Garden (soup, salad, - the breadsticks, but still probably a ton of calories)…I tried to eat the healthy stuff. Sunday morning I had my shake and then Mom had everyone over for brunch after church. I ate a little of the egg casserole (with bread stuffing, sausage, cream and cheese…hmmm) and some fruit (until I remembered it was sugared). The Kringle did me in though…if you don’t know what one is they’re an enormous flat oval Danish treat covered in soft yummy icing and filled with anything you can imagine from fruit to nuts. My sister was sitting next to me in the family room and commented on my small plate of food. When I told her I was dieting she even said ‘But it’s Easter!!!’ I looked at her and said ‘Stop the Satan talk…please don’t tempt me!’…she protested a little more and then gave up (I get it…I never liked to see someone dieting as I was stuffing my face either…misery loves company). As everyone was later munching on their Easter basket candy I stole back in and took just a sliver of the Kringle before it was gone…I immediately felt awful.

I suddenly realized then that in the past I’d usually made ‘excuses’ for holidays too…it’s a holiday, a vacation, we’re out to eat, a trip to the family, there’s nothing healthy so I have to eat it. I heard both my sister and mom make those excuses on why they weren’t following their Weight Watchers diets…I don’t say that to blame them, it’s just that it made me realize that’s what I’d usually done in the past also. My one sister, who has diabetes, high blood pressure, and has had two mini-strokes, joined us for our last dinner. There were margaritas, honey baked ham, beans slathered in butter, potato casserole (with cornflakes, cream and tons of butter and cheese), rolls and a carrot sheet cake that could have fed 4x as many people. It was hard to just choose the ham and beans and insist we didn’t need to take home any carrot cake. I got home and found ½ my Mom’s enormous homemade lemon butter pound cake in a bag.

I reflected on the food frenzy of the weekend coming home. In the past I wouldn’t have thought much about it at all (even on a diet) because I’m so used to it, but this weekend was like a smack in the face…a wake-up-call. I’m glad my family saw me eating less and drinking protein shakes. It will make it easier to explain things post-op since I’m not telling anyone. I even announced that I’d lost 20+ pounds since they last saw me so they wouldn’t be shocked when they see me next. No one had noticed the weight loss…my youngest sister said ‘That’s nothing, I’ve lost 40# before and no one’s noticed…the fatter you are the less you can tell!’ My family is used to seeing me lose major weight though…what they’re not used to is me KEEPING IT OFF! 6a00d8341d261b53ef0105371cd25a970b-800wi


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You are stronger than I am. I used to love Krispy Kreme just the plain glazed (except at Thanksgiving time and they have the pumpkin ones), but no longer like them. But the carrot cake MMMMMMMMMM. That and spice cake are my favorites. So I don't make them any more. I know me and I would eat way to much of them. Sounds like you really did a good job ay sticking to your guns.

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Miss me?! I have missed you! Exciting times in my world for sure. Anth got his gift of a new heart on March 26! Now quick. Fill me in, whats happening?!!!!

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wow your stories are always great! keep them coming! you have great discipline-keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the support guys! Yeah, I'm glad I don't live close to home starting into this...my willpower wouldn't hold...LOL!

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