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Just banded 4/6/09

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I got my lapband on monday 4/6. It has been an experience so far. I have been having a really hard time with the pain. I was told that it wouldnt be to bad so i think i was expecting less than what i have been having. I cant wait till i can move to regular foods i am so tired of broth, jello, and protein shakes lol i am ready for actual food again! I am just gonna continue to hang in there and hopefully i will start seeing results!:thumbup:

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I got my lapband on monday 4/6. It has been an experience so far. I have been having a really hard time with the pain. I was told that it wouldnt be to bad so i think i was expecting less than what i have been having. I cant wait till i can move to regular foods i am so tired of broth, jello, and protein shakes lol i am ready for actual food again! I am just gonna continue to hang in there and hopefully i will start seeing results!:rolleyes2:

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Hang in there,the pain don't last too long-I just got banded 2/14(Valentines) it has been a very exciting journey thus far. Good luck to you-hope you feel better soon

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thank you so muh i am hoping that the next couple days will beome a lot easier. today was better than yesterday so i hope tomorrow is better than today!!!

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Everybody is different with the dis-comfort or pain,, best advice since I didn't follow with it,,, no pop,, or diet pop and don't lift anything!!! I picked up a case of water the 2 or 3 week in and thought i would die!!! And don't do any stomache crunches until you heal,,lol,,

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hang in there I was banded on the 7th and am feeling better every day. I dont fel too hungry so i am having problems forcing the liquids. I hate the protien shakes. I choke them down cause i know i need the energy they can give..I have gotten some smooth cream soup to try today.

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It WILL get better! I just had mine on March 25th and yesterday for the 1st time I was able to 'eat'. Some pureed chicken and avacado...It's worth every bit of pain that you're experiencing. The protein shakes do get old, but you can do it. Just don't over do it at all and get lots and lots of rest.

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This is a time for healing. Gets lots of protein in, walk, and walk , drink some more, walk, drink. You wont have time to think about food. The extra protein helps heal. The sutures in your band to outer tummy wall need to heal, no lifting over 5lbs. The band needs to get set and thne that will make your journey much better down the road.

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OMG!!! Its only 4 days since surgery!! Were you expecting to do cartwheels. You were opened up in 4 or 5 spots. You are still loaded with gas which causes back pain, neck pain, arm pain, etc. Your muscles were cut through to place the port in place and you want to feel better already?? Give yourself a break. Take your meds for the pain, walk a lot to get rid of the gas, and dont pick up anything heavier than you water glass. You'll feel better soon enough! Good luck.

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thank you so much for all the advice i really need it! I just got back from a walk with my husband and i am so tired i feel like i just ran a marathon lol so i am gonna take a little nap and get some energy back! I found a really good protein shakes its EAS myloplex french vanilla and it tasted very good. more expensive than others but it is worth it to not wanna gag when you drink lol!!!

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I was banded on 7th and am quite excited about this journey. I am forcing the liquids and protein shakes. No desire for food.

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whats your stomach need to heel if there isnt any cutting except for the skin insicions?

This is a time for healing. Gets lots of protein in, walk, and walk , drink some more, walk, drink. You wont have time to think about food. The extra protein helps heal. The sutures in your band to outer tummy wall need to heal, no lifting over 5lbs. The band needs to get set and thne that will make your journey much better down the road.

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Muscle has been cut through to get to your stomach to put in band which has to be stitched into place to keep it there, the port has been stitched into your stomach muscles to be held in place. Thats what has to heal.

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