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4/7/09 Bull Market

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I started some shopping for pre and post Op yesterday and came home with bags full. I don’t have a pre-op diet, but I’ve decided to do a self-imposed one. I’m drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a healthy high protein dinner. According to my NUT and surgeon I’m not supposed to drink protein shakes, EVER, as they are a slider food and go against the bandster rules of eating solid protein. I’m totally on board with that and actually love that their lifetime diet is exactly what I was looking for, healthy food, just a lot less of it…like I keep saying when I see bandsters still drinking several of these shakes daily years out, if I wanted to be on a protein drink diet, then I would have done that, not the band (one of my sisters did this, so did Oprah…they both gained it back). I don’t expect to use protein shakes very often at all, maybe after fills, but I thought it can’t hurt to do this pre-op and I can gather a list of the ones I like.


I looked online but soon realized to compare apples to apples was going to take some work on my part. So, I did what I always do, I made a list. The confusing part is if you’re concerned with carbs. With the powdered shakes you need to figure out the grams (they only list percentages) of what is added add to it…like skim milk. Skim milk isn’t low carb, so these powdered ones can quickly become a high carb as well as high protein drink once you add the milk (ie. Unjury). Yeah, you could add water, but bleeech!


I bought an assortment to try locally. Some I’ve found hard to find in the stores (ie. low carb Slim Fast). I quickly decided I don’t like the pre-made ones in cans…they have a metallic taste to me (ie. Target Brand). The low carb ones in cardboard cartons haven’t been too bad (ie. Atkins, EAS).

You can even buy some powders in huge concrete bags amounts (better be sure you like it first)...


I’m back to the stores today (once the snow stops, yes I said snow, several inches...is it April?!) for some low sugar/SF (ie. preserves for yogurt) and low fat/FF items (ie. Refried Beans) to have on hand as well as the GasX and other items suggested post-op. If you have any favorite items, let me know…and if anyone knows where I can get the big containers of plain 0% or 2% Fage Greek Yogurt north of Pittsburgh, I’m offering a reward (my eternal thanks).

Product Placement/Marketing?! (that Special Dark Hershey bar is calling my name)...


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I started some shopping for pre and post Op yesterday and came home with bags full. I don’t have a pre-op diet, but I’ve decided to do a self-imposed one. I’m drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a healthy high protein dinner. According to my NUT and surgeon I’m not supposed to drink protein shakes, EVER, as they are a slider food and go against the bandster rules of eating solid protein. I’m totally on board with that and actually love that their lifetime diet is exactly what I was looking for, healthy food, just a lot less of it…like I keep saying when I see bandsters still drinking several of these shakes daily years out, if I wanted to be on a protein drink diet, then I would have done that, not the band (one of my sisters did this, so did Oprah…they both gained it back). I don’t expect to use protein shakes very often at all, maybe after fills, but I thought it can’t hurt to do this pre-op and I can gather a list of the ones I like.


I looked online but soon realized to compare apples to apples was going to take some work on my part. So, I did what I always do, I made a list. The confusing part is if you’re concerned with carbs. With the powdered shakes you need to figure out the grams (they only list percentages) of what is added add to it…like skim milk. Skim milk isn’t low carb, so these powdered ones can quickly become a high carb as well as high protein drink once you add the milk (ie. Unjury). Yeah, you could add water, but bleeech!

I bought an assortment to try locally. Some I’ve found hard to find in the stores (ie. low carb Slim Fast). I quickly decided I don’t like the pre-made ones in cans…they have a metallic taste to me (ie. Target Brand). The low carb ones in cardboard cartons haven’t been too bad (ie. Atkins, EAS).

You can even buy some powders in huge concrete bags amounts (better be sure you like it first)...


I’m back to the stores today (once the snow stops, yes I said snow, several inches...is it April?!) for some low sugar/SF (ie. preserves for yogurt) and low fat/FF items (ie. Refried Beans) to have on hand as well as the GasX and other items suggested post-op. If you have any favorite items, let me know…and if anyone knows where I can get the big containers of plain 0% or 2% Fage Greek Yogurt north of Pittsburgh, I’m offering a reward (my eternal thanks).

Product Placement/Marketing?! (that Special Dark Hershey bar is calling my name)...


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I did just fine with a few six-packs of EAS and Atkins, which my doc allowed as long as they were 7g total of carbs or less. Don't go overboard, BG. Keep a six-pack around for fills, though. Sometimes after a fill, a shake is all you want.

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Dear BG,

What do you need all that yog for...a body mask? Seriously if you got some ideas for it, do share! I have a question for you or anyone who has a clue...if we are not supposed to use NSAIDs after the band what can we take? Like for a headache or knee pain...morphine, medical marijuana??

Once I get scheduled I think I am going to ask my doc to prescribe all the post op stuff BEFORE the procedure...if you read people's stories of their surg day a lot of them talk about the pharmacy screwing up (the person is vomitting and therre's no phenergen suppositories) or just the hassle of having to stop by a pharmacy when you are in post op pain etc. What do you think? Girl, I KNOW you like to be prepared!! Cali

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Body mask...LOL...Do you think if I bathed in it that I'd lose weight, maybe tighten up the skin?? A lot of the RNYer sites talk a lot about Greek Yogurt (mainly Fage...it has an almost cult-like following on some sites...some buy it by the case). It's not like other yogurt...WAY thicker, and more sour than yogurt (if you like cheesecake and sour cream you'll love it, but I'd never eat it plain). Low Sugar and High Protein...you can use it in recipes like sour cream or mix other things in with it (I've been collecting ideas...SF preserves, Kashi Go lean, low fat peanut butter, SF pudding mix, etc.). So it's a nice High Protein Breakfast or it's like a treat with fruit. Good for times when you're 'tight'. It's expensive though.

I'm going to ask Thursday about getting the Rx early also. I tried to get my PCP to give me a phenergan Rx, but I couldn't convince her I'd need it...LOL, I get sick watching video games movements. I'm not leaving the hospital without it (it'll give DH something to do). My last surgery they gave me two things prior/during surgery to prevent nausea (OTC patches/pills do nothing for me).

I did get a Rx for something in case I get a migraine, Epidrin (not an NSAID). You can also take Tylenol/acetaminophen as it's not an NSAID and many docs still let you take the NSAID's in small amounts, so it's worth asking (so far mine says no, and I wouldn't want to risk ulcers anyway). I've heard some say their docs would rather give them a narcotic for bad pain than an NSAID (or maybe medical Marijuana LOL).

Yeah, I'm a Mary Poppins...I like having whatever I might need when I'm miserable. My DH's a sweety, but women are just so much better at nurturing...I need a wife for times like these.

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Dearest BG,

Me too, I 've always heard that igloos were built round so that the person in there had everything in arm's reach. That's how I need it. I'm sure I will be overshopping soon, but better that than not having what I need! I have a friend who had some plastic surg (breast aug and abdom. lipo) and came home and vomitted all weekend...not good with any chest or abdomen surg! She couldnt get herself to a pharmacy and didnt know anyone she could ask! I told her there are usually always pharms that deliver for a price or if that failed you call a cab and they'll go get it. I know I'll prob be sending the DH out for something but I'd rather be as prepared as possible...now I need the greek yog!

I'm going to ask for liquid lortab and phenergan suppositories and whatever else they can think of! They DONT want me calling at 3am! I have a bunch of scopace pills (the pill form of the scopolamine patch for motion sickness)...but like anything going to gut-town you gotta be taking it before you start to heave! I get sick with the video games, amusement park rides, and on our boat without it!I never take the OTC stuff like dramamine or bonine because its so sedating but post op that might be good! Bottom line: GIVE ME DRUGS!!!

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Just say yes to drugs...LOL! With age comes wisdom. Now tell me while it took until my 3rd childbirth to ask for something? Strong women know how to ask for help!

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I have not had a fill for about a month and 1/2. I am not doing well either. I lost 23 lbs gained about 5 back and not doing anything right. I am now feeling nauseus after I eat for a while and then I get ok. Has anyone else experienced this and can you give me some kind of examples of how you are doing so well.

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