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:think Now that the time is getting closer to my lapband surgery I am beginning to wonder if I am being selfish about putting my life at risk just so I can be healthy and happy...I am worried that something might happen to me during surgery and my family will be without me for reasons that could have been prevented...I know that the lapband is the least evasive surgery and for that reason is why I had picked it...I have gotten myself all depressed about it all last night when I found a memorial page for those that did not survive bariatric surgery, but most of the people that passed had the bypass or died while waiting for the approval from the insurance company:eek: ...I think that I have worked myself up over nothing but it still makes you think about what all you would be leaving it something goes wrong and it being my choice to have put me thru it...I am just in one of those moody moods while waiting for my time to get here next week...Anyone else ever go thru these same feelings before surgery??? Help guide me threw

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:think Now that the time is getting closer to my lapband surgery I am beginning to wonder if I am being selfish about putting my life at risk just so I can be healthy and happy...I am worried that something might happen to me during surgery and my family will be without me for reasons that could have been prevented...I know that the lapband is the least evasive surgery and for that reason is why I had picked it...I have gotten myself all depressed about it all last night when I found a memorial page for those that did not survive bariatric surgery, but most of the people that passed had the bypass or died while waiting for the approval from the insurance company:eek: ...I think that I have worked myself up over nothing but it still makes you think about what all you would be leaving it something goes wrong and it being my choice to have put me thru it...I am just in one of those moody moods while waiting for my time to get here next week...Anyone else ever go thru these same feelings before surgery??? Help guide me threw

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I hope it is ok that I am in your journal. It is common to have these feelings but you have to weigh everything. You must be getting the surgery because you are overweight and you have some co morbidities. Life is short and we can die from anything weather it is today or tomorrow. What if you have the surgery and survive .....then you have to go on the roller coaster of the scale going up and down but mostly down if you torture yourself with eating healthier and exercising. Do you want to be healthier and happier? Only you can make that choice. Do a will, pray on it and find peace with yourself. You have a whole family of support on this board, just reach out for it.

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I was also feeling a bit selfish before the surgery. but i am 12 days post op and i would not trade it for anything. i started a protein shake diet 5 days before surgery and i have lost a total of 20 pounds. i feel great and the recovery did not take but a few days. good luck to you

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