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hi everyone..this is going to be im sure very much me rambling..i just found this site and besides a vlog that im doing on my laptop i think its also important to articulate my thoughts on this process and my soon to come transformation.


today im 203.5, 5'5", my birthday just passed this past tuesday..i decided just recently to pursue this journey. i had a consult at the slimband centre in toronto on thursday. to give you a little background on me.. i had gastric bypass in 2001 in toronto with dr. joffe..it was a pretty quick process i really wasn't mentally prepared for the weight loss and the attention that went along with it. now don't get me wrong i was used to male attention but at 255-260 a lot of it was from the wrong kind of men.as i started to lose my ego kinda went out of control, i didn't obey the food plan, i didn't exercise, i didn't tell anyone...at all. so i ended up regaining some of the weight..since then i have lost some again and kind of reached the 200 point numerous times. i have been able to get below that a few times to as low 176 through dr. bernstein (a pretty popular & expensive) program here in toronto. so i have decided to do this..in canada we have to pay for this surgery out of pocket and its not cheap.. $18k to be specific..but i feel that this will be worth the initial investment. i am again this time not going to tell anyone which makes things slightly awkward. at my consult i was told instead of having the day surgery at the clinic i have to go to the hospital for an overnight stay so that means someone has to pick me up..who the heck is that going to be..i don't know..i have a little more than a month to figure it out..im thinking my ex since he and i are really good friends..i dont know..and the time off work kind of screws some things up.. the surgeries in hospital are only done on mondays..so i guess i will have to take the week off work..sucks..im in sales so time away from work is crucial..i was told that the earliest date available would be may..so im hoping for a cancellation or something so i can get it earlier..im also going to be working on another designation for my career during my post op time so i hope it will not interfere with my concentration..im thinking if i get the surgery in may i should be down 50 pounds by new years..im hoping i think im going to go now look at some you tube lap bandsters to get me pumped..


oh and i guess a little more personal stuff..im single, no pets, i live in downtown toronto alone, i love fashion, tv shows: 30 rock, the office, seinfeld, clothes, ..wow when i write it down doesn't seem like i have many interests..believe me i have more but i think im all typed out..


talk to you soon everyone! hope to talk to many of you..

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hi everyone..this is going to be im sure very much me rambling..i just found this site and besides a vlog that im doing on my laptop i think its also important to articulate my thoughts on this process and my soon to come transformation.

today im 203.5, 5'5", my birthday just passed this past tuesday..i decided just recently to pursue this journey. i had a consult at the slimband centre in toronto on thursday. to give you a little background on me.. i had gastric bypass in 2001 in toronto with dr. joffe..it was a pretty quick process i really wasn't mentally prepared for the weight loss and the attention that went along with it. now don't get me wrong i was used to male attention but at 255-260 a lot of it was from the wrong kind of men.as i started to lose my ego kinda went out of control, i didn't obey the food plan, i didn't exercise, i didn't tell anyone...at all. so i ended up regaining some of the weight..since then i have lost some again and kind of reached the 200 point numerous times. i have been able to get below that a few times to as low 176 through dr. bernstein (a pretty popular & expensive) program here in toronto. so i have decided to do this..in canada we have to pay for this surgery out of pocket and its not cheap.. $18k to be specific..but i feel that this will be worth the initial investment. i am again this time not going to tell anyone which makes things slightly awkward. at my consult i was told instead of having the day surgery at the clinic i have to go to the hospital for an overnight stay so that means someone has to pick me up..who the heck is that going to be..i don't know..i have a little more than a month to figure it out..im thinking my ex since he and i are really good friends..i dont know..and the time off work kind of screws some things up.. the surgeries in hospital are only done on mondays..so i guess i will have to take the week off work..sucks..im in sales so time away from work is crucial..i was told that the earliest date available would be may..so im hoping for a cancellation or something so i can get it earlier..im also going to be working on another designation for my career during my post op time so i hope it will not interfere with my concentration..im thinking if i get the surgery in may i should be down 50 pounds by new years..im hoping i think im going to go now look at some you tube lap bandsters to get me pumped..

oh and i guess a little more personal stuff..im single, no pets, i live in downtown toronto alone, i love fashion, tv shows: 30 rock, the office, seinfeld, clothes, ..wow when i write it down doesn't seem like i have many interests..believe me i have more but i think im all typed out..

talk to you soon everyone! hope to talk to many of you..

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He if you are self pay anyway you might look into Dr. Kirshenbaum at www.lapbandrockies.com He is in Denver, CO so most airlines fly directly there.

He has patients from all over the US because it is cheaper to fly to him than have it done in their own backyard.

$9950 for surgery and 3 months of free fills. Fills are only $15 each after that. I can drive 7 hours one way and spend the night for less than it would cost me to get a fill closer to home. He has alot of experience and I think he is great!

Good luck!

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Hi Mercedes,

Thanks for the add. Your surgery will be here before you know it. Mine came pretty quick.

Good luck. I'll keep in touch.

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