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I was banded in December 2008 and have had left shoulder, neck, chest and rib pain ever since. I am going for a CT scan soon to see what might be going on. I do notice that the pain is worse after a fill. :biggrin:

I am disappointed that I have only lost 15 pounds since surgery. I have had 3 fills and only the first couple of days afterward do I feel any restriction......after that I can eat anything and just about any amount including bread, salad and carbonated drinks. I thought I would have lost alot more weight by now. I haven't exercised at all because of this pain...........has anyone else had this small of weight loss and if so, what do you make of it?? Also, what is PB...I see it on the posts and don't know what it stands for. Looking forward to hearing from someone.

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I was banded in December 2008 and have had left shoulder, neck, chest and rib pain ever since. I am going for a CT scan soon to see what might be going on. I do notice that the pain is worse after a fill. ;)

I am disappointed that I have only lost 15 pounds since surgery. I have had 3 fills and only the first couple of days afterward do I feel any restriction......after that I can eat anything and just about any amount including bread, salad and carbonated drinks. I thought I would have lost alot more weight by now. I haven't exercised at all because of this pain...........has anyone else had this small of weight loss and if so, what do you make of it?? Also, what is PB...I see it on the posts and don't know what it stands for. Looking forward to hearing from someone.

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Hey! So sorry you are having such problems! PB is "productive burp"... I have it quite often. I hope all goes well with your check. I am ready for my third fill, but I have such a full schedule this month that I am going to have to wait a while. I still have restriction, but I have slowed down in my weight loss.. I was losing 1 to 1-1/2 pound a week, but the scale didn't move for 3 weeks.. and then only 1 pound.. but hang in there! Don't give up yet! We'll get there together! God Bless!

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I was banded on July 21, 2008 and it went very well and I was so motivated I lost 50 pounds by November. I also feel so often that I can eat anything I want and what ever amount. It is disappointing not to feel the restriction we need to help us not to overeat. I have a 4cc band and have had 4 band fills and had to have 1 cc taken out because I had such heartburn and was throwing up after many meals of only two or three bites. Now I feel it is not restrictive enough again and need to go back in for at least 1/2 cc fill. I know I need to use more will power but that was a big part of my having this band because I needed a signal that I had had enough to eat and stop. I still think it is the best thing I've done for myself and my health being a diabetic but I need to get serious again and it seems more difficult right now. Would like to hear from others who have slipped off the road and how they got back on!! If we do what we were told and taught to do from the Dr. and nutritionist I know it works and slowely and surely we will get there!! Noel

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