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What the??!!

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I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:thumbup: I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:cursing: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
oh well!!!
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I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:) I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:thumbup: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
oh well!!!

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I'm feeling the same way. It's been 9 months for me and I've lost 30 pounds. That's fabulous, but it all came off in the first few months. I've been stuck for about 5 months now. It's very frustrating. If I was successful at dieting and exercising, I wouldn't have had the band in the first place!! I'm trying to walk each evening, but I can pretty much eat anything except bread. What do I do???

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Set calorie goals and stick to them. Log your food. Be accountable.

Yep not what you wanted to hear. I was in the same boat. Lost alot in the first months. Stalled out the last 5 months. I was bitching and moaning about how this band wasn't working. I could eat anything I wanted. No BPs. No getting stuck. Nothing to stop the inward flow of food. I was pissed I now have scars.

Then a switch in my brain flipped on. I started to log my food intake. I wake up each morning saying "Ok what am I going to do to make this work?" Im on track again and losing 2-3 lbs a week. I say I found my MoJo.

If what you are doing is not working you have to do something different. The band for me is great at keeping me not hungry between meals. Im sure there is a support group you could go to. Find a mentor on this site.

Whatever you do don't give up.


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