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Pre op

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Hello everyone. I just found this site, so please fogive me if I post things in places I should not. I am having the band one week from today. I was told to do this diet 2 weeks before. Has everyone done this or is it just my surgon that likes this to go this way?

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Hello everyone. I just found this site, so please fogive me if I post things in places I should not. I am having the band one week from today. I was told to do this diet 2 weeks before. Has everyone done this or is it just my surgon that likes this to go this way?

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I had my band on Monday. I am doing pretty good today. Yes,before surgery on was on all clear liquids and 3 atkins shakes a day for five days. Good Luck - Terry

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I think the pre-surgery liquid diet is pretty standard for most surgeons... or a lot of them anyway. I start mine this Monday for 15 days before surgery.... with only clear liquids the day before surgery. I'm being banded on April 8th.

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