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3/12/09 The Buzz about Coffee

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I love my morning cuppa (and it loves me…see?)…so much so that I drink it up until 2pm (my cutoff for being able to function, yet also sleep at night). This week I started to cut back my caffeine consumption in preparation for surgery. I don’t drink any pop (or in other parts of the country, soda), so that’s not an issue. Coffee is the first of my ‘food friends’ (translation ‘evil food addictions’) I will be saying goodbye to, probably not permanently (I’ll confirm that at my pre-op class), but at least for now and a while to come.


I’ve seen ‘facts’ about caffeine effecting the LB here on LBT including; causing band slippage, causing ulcers, changing the lining of your stomach, appetite stimulant, appetite suppressant (it’s in many diet pills), and diuretic. I don't know what's true, the only one I believe right now is the diuretic (and some here on LBT say that’s not true), so I'll follow my docs orders. Post-band until I can get all my water in daily (and some say you have to drink extra water if you drink coffee), I’ll be forgoing coffee. I’ve had to give this friend up several times before; once as a test to see if my migraines improved (nope), and once before another double surgery as I was afraid going off ‘cold turkey’ at the hospital would give me migraines. So I’m being smart and stepping this down gradually (and I’m on Migraine meds now). Week 1 and I’m surviving on less.


Are you aware of this, or perhaps you haven’t had your coffee yet? March is…drumroll please…National Caffeine Awareness Month (sponsored by the Caffeine Awareness Allianceyes, there is such a thing…who knew?!). They want you to know that…with as little as 200 mg of caffeine, you can experience typical addictive symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, tension, insomnia, excitement, and gastrointestinal disturbance. So pretty much they want you to JUST SAY NO!


Now where’s the closest Coffee Rehab Center, because I’m going to be in withdrawl and pretty irritable by next week?! Hello, my name is BG, and I'm a coffee addict.


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I love my morning cuppa (and it loves me…see?)…so much so that I drink it up until 2pm (my cutoff for being able to function, yet also sleep at night). This week I started to cut back my caffeine consumption in preparation for surgery. I don’t drink any pop (or in other parts of the country, soda), so that’s not an issue. Coffee is the first of my ‘food friends’ (translation ‘evil food addictions’) I will be saying goodbye to, probably not permanently (I’ll confirm that at my pre-op class), but at least for now and a while to come.

I’ve seen ‘facts’ about caffeine effecting the LB here on LBT including; causing band slippage, causing ulcers, changing the lining of your stomach, appetite stimulant, appetite suppressant (it’s in many diet pills), and diuretic. I don't know what's true, the only one I believe right now is the diuretic (and some here on LBT say that’s not true), so I'll follow my docs orders. Post-band until I can get all my water in daily (and some say you have to drink extra water if you drink coffee), I’ll be forgoing coffee. I’ve had to give this friend up several times before; once as a test to see if my migraines improved (nope), and once before another double surgery as I was afraid going off ‘cold turkey’ at the hospital would give me migraines. So I’m being smart and stepping this down gradually (and I’m on Migraine meds now). Week 1 and I’m surviving on less.


Are you aware of this, or perhaps you haven’t had your coffee yet? March is…drumroll please…National Caffeine Awareness Month (sponsored by the Caffeine Awareness Allianceyes, there is such a thing…who knew?!). They want you to know that…with as little as 200 mg of caffeine, you can experience typical addictive symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, tension, insomnia, excitement, and gastrointestinal disturbance. So pretty much they want you to JUST SAY NO!

Now where’s the closest Coffee Rehab Center, because I’m going to be in withdrawl and pretty irritable by next week?! Hello, my name is BG, and I'm a coffee addict.


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I don't know if I believe any of that stuff. They do say Coffee is good for you too! I am holding onto that. I had LB surgery 08/13/08 and I never gave up my coffee. I have lost weight and I think it's ok. I have my fill of coffee in the morning, then maybe one cup in the last afternoon usually a latte. We need the calicum right? Don't fret you should still be able to drink your coffee. Good Luck

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Yeah, I did look at the benefits too, so you're right there are good things about it, yay! There have been more studies on coffee than any other food. Even the 'pro' sites say coffee is a mild diuretic (but you have to drink more than 4-5 cups for it to have any negative effects on fluids), that's why I'm getting rid of it at least temporarily until I'm getting enough fluids post-band (better safe...). As I said, I've found no evidence on the other 'facts' people on LBT came up with either, so I don't believe them. Glad to know you're still drinking it with no problems! I'll be joining you for a latte soon. Thanks! -BG

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(Saluting you with my iced coffee) Sugar, they can make me give up. They've convinced me of the evils of bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, and other starches.

BUT THEY'LL HAVE TO PRY MY COLD DEAD FINGERS AWAY FROM MY COFFEE MUG. Yeah, I quit for surgery and drank hot herb tea so at least my hands were wrapped around my coffee mug like Linus needed his blanket.

There are just some things this ol' author can't give up, and coffee is one of them.

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I have not stopped drinking coffee or tea, and I am still losing weight, and I have not had any problems thus far. I have been doing everything else just as the doctor ordered, but a biker without his coffee is a confrontation waiting to happen. I have read the pros and cons, but I do not smoke, I gave up beer (for now anyway), I gave up fried foods, potatoes ( my old motto was if it did not have a potatoe, it was just a snack), but as for coffee.....coffee=happy,calm,easy going biker.

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I'm approaching my six month date after surgery. I was a diet Pepsi fiend. I love my diet Pepsi. Now I have replaced that with coffee. Mainly when I'm not feeling much restriction. Coffee with non-fat flavored creamer is what gets me through the "hungry times" I haven't had any problems at all. Just make sure in addition to your coffee your getting plenty of water intake as well. I shoot for at least 3-16oz's glasses of water a day.

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I gave up coffee before surgery so I wouln't get my coffee headache. That was 14 months ago. I don't miss it at all. I have taken up H2o as much as I can drink. I have never felt better. Giving up my morning coffee was like going cold turkey. It was almost like when I quit smoking. We are such creatures of habit. I am afraid to start eather coffee or smokes. I am such an addictive personality.

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My doc said that I just had to switch to decaf. At first it was not the same n so I just stoped all together! But after I was banded I just had to have some so I gave the decaf a try again n it was fine. I had to add some suger free vanilla creamer and like 3 packs of equal to it. And now I drink it everyday. MUST HAVE IT.........lol

OH.....I love reading ur blogs, sometimes the pic's u put up r so funny and cute! Best of luck to u!


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I was a caffeine addict last year - I kicked it about two months ago. In prep for the surgery

I was taking at least 16 strong espressos every day along with 8 Solpadeine (medication with huge caffeine amounts along with the addictive codeine)

It was the hardest but second best thing I had cut out in my life (guess the first!)

It was probably three weeks of utter hell; headaches, nausea and desperation. But boy - when you're through - what a difference!

The headaches that caffeiene cured me of turned out to be the cause. The reflux and lack of sleep (obviously) were a thing of the past.

And now - I can't bear the thought off coffee (bit of a bitch when I was given Solpadeine after the op - but I managed to stick to plain old paracetomol).

However - I am now addicted to the replacement I made peppermint tea - I await the fresh pee consequences...

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(Lena wipes her monitor again) BEN! I swear, I'm putting a spew warning next to your name. You zapped me again. Buahahahaha!

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I think many fat people have addictive personalities. That's why transfer addictions are such an issue post-op. I often wish that food was like other addictions...go cold turkey, go through withdrawl/12 step program and never touch it again...not possible. Well if I end up going back to an addiction post-op at least coffee/caffeine is one I can live with...we'll see. DH asked me what was wrong with me last night when I snapped at him...yikes. Thanks for the support/information all!

And Ben...that only works with asparagus LOL.

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