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One More Week!

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I'm so excited, scared and every other emotion that you can think of all rolled up into one.

One week from tomorrow I have my band surgery. I'll be 3 weeks behind Jim (husband) on his journey. :w00t:

I've been reading some other blogs that people have written. I'll admit that I worry that I'll not be able to loose the weight. I know, I know, you are not supposed to judge yourself by other people. I know that. But still I'm so worried.

I know what to eat and how much by helping Jim with his. So that won't be a problem. And with it getting warmer I'll be able to get outside and move more. I know, I've got that treadmill sitting in the dining room and I need to use it. Truth known I need to be on it NOW.

Well...... my journey is about to begin. I'm not doing really well, on my pre-op diet (low carb) but I sure could do better. I keep trying to convince my stomach that it doesn't need all that food. With the stomach that I have now that is impossible!

I'll do my best to do better tomorrow.

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I'm so excited, scared and every other emotion that you can think of all rolled up into one.

One week from tomorrow I have my band surgery. I'll be 3 weeks behind Jim (husband) on his journey. :cursing:

I've been reading some other blogs that people have written. I'll admit that I worry that I'll not be able to loose the weight. I know, I know, you are not supposed to judge yourself by other people. I know that. But still I'm so worried.

I know what to eat and how much by helping Jim with his. So that won't be a problem. And with it getting warmer I'll be able to get outside and move more. I know, I've got that treadmill sitting in the dining room and I need to use it. Truth known I need to be on it NOW.

Well...... my journey is about to begin. I'm not doing really well, on my pre-op diet (low carb) but I sure could do better. I keep trying to convince my stomach that it doesn't need all that food. With the stomach that I have now that is impossible!

I'll do my best to do better tomorrow.

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I'm scheduled 3/16 myself. I'm with ya on all the emotions. My hubby didn't want me to do it, though, so I really don't talk to him about it much.

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