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i am new on this site and will be having the lap band done on april 29th hope i am not making a mistake. i wish i knew the percent of people whom are glad and not glad they had their's done?:smile:

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i am new on this site and will be having the lap band done on april 29th hope i am not making a mistake. i wish i knew the percent of people whom are glad and not glad they had their's done?:cursing:

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You'll find a lot of both here, but keep in mind those that are happy and are at goal probably aren't as well represented on this site, because they're out living life and not thinking as much about their LB anymore. So the % of those not happy here is even higher than it really is...and even at that, you'll find way more people happy here than not. Welcome to LBT! Hope I'll be joining you the end of April (toes crossed). -BG

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Good Morning L.Vine,

Here is one vote for the best thing I have ever done for myself! It was a very difficult dicission for me because I am "self pay."

This is my story:

I saw an old friend and could not believe it was really her.We had worked together and often talked about our struggle with our weight. She was 100 pound lighter than a year before. I went home and told my Husband about her.I left it at that knowing we could not afford it. A couple weeks later my Husband saw an ad on TV about the surgery.He looked at me and asked if that was what I wanted to do. Of course ,I said YES ,as soon as we win the lottery. He came over to me and said," if this surgery only gives me one more day with you it is worth it." I did my homework and was banded Dec12, 2007. I am down 110 pounds and feel like I am 25 ( I am really 48.)My Mom is super obese and very sick because of it. I saw myself following her to the sad place. It has been difficult at times, but I am very happy I did it. Now when I win that lottery I have a couple people picked out to gift them a band. I wish you the very best. It really is a wonderful journey. I have posted pictures if you would like to take a look. Please stay in touch!!!

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Thank you for sharing this information. I am scheduled for lap band on 3/30 and have no doubts I want to do it but I have questions about if I will have any regrets, if so, what might they be down the road.

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Hi, I've not come accross anyone who is not happy about being banded. It is the single most positive thing I have done for myself in my entire life! I wish I had done this years ago.

I was banded 8 weeks ago (7th Jan 09) and have lost 11kg/25lb since surgery and 15kg/33lb since pre op diet commenced on the 26th Dec 08. I have had 2 fills and will get another small one next week and I can't wait.

I can only guess that people who aren't happy with the band are people who are perhaps expecting too much and/or not doing the right things to get them the best results. This is not a solution, but a tool to help you lose weight. Don't get me wrong, I struggle to eat the right things and maintain exercise, but having the band minimises the effect of my bad behaviour and magnifies my good behaviour. At the end of the day, if my weight loss is bad, it is because of the choices I've made and not the bands fault.

The band is good, the band is worth it and the band is gonna keep you alive for years to come!

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