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Great site - lots of inspiration here!


I'm also looking for others who were born with congenital hip disorder. It's been a long downward spiral - lots of extra weight on a bad hip and back, very painful. Expecting to get banded in Apr 09.


Starting BMI 45.3

Weight 264

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Great site - lots of inspiration here!

I'm also looking for others who were born with congenital hip disorder. It's been a long downward spiral - lots of extra weight on a bad hip and back, very painful. Expecting to get banded in Apr 09.

Starting BMI 45.3

Weight 264

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WELCOME TO LBT Carly!! I'll be getting banded late April or early May also. I have lower back and neck osteoarthritis, slight scoliosis, and Lordosis (sway back probably from compensating for my huge bum) so I know a little bit about what you mean by chronic pain. Physical Therapy is actually helping me some and has helped me learn what to do ongoing. Your 'downward spiral' made me think of what I kept saying before starting this journey...I felt like I was 'circling the drain'. It's a vicous cycle. My doc and PT have told me that getting the weight off should help a lot with the pain...so don't give up hope! I'd suggest that you do a thread on the Forum/General and put the words 'congenital hip disorder' in your title. You may find someone who has the same thing that way (the Forum gets way more visibility/readers than the Blogs). Good luck and keep posting! -BG

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Thanks for the good advice, BG - we should check in, I think we'll be banded right at the same time. Just think, a year from now how much better we're going to feel! - mscarly

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