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Do I Hear an Echo?

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I've uploaded a few recipes recently, but I've gotten very few comments about them. I do appreciate feedback.


Do you like them? Would you prefer I didn't do this?


Any requests?



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I've uploaded a few recipes recently, but I've gotten very few comments about them. I do appreciate feedback.

Do you like them? Would you prefer I didn't do this?

Any requests?


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I've uploaded a few recipes recently, but I've gotten very few comments about them. I do appreciate feedback.

Do you like them? Would you prefer I didn't do this?

Any requests?


(That's the Echo coming back...after it bounced off me!) As I've said before, I continue to write most of them down, and I appreciate knowing that someone else has tried them (the cookbooks I love are usually the kind that have a conglomeration of people's favorites...one's I know someone else liked enough to chose and put their name with...you know, like a women's club cookbook vs. Joy of Cooking...and that' what you're doing).

If you're taking requests, I'd love to see more "mushy" recipes, as a pre-bander. I'm such a bad cook, all I can picture is grinding up all my meals in that magic bullet I bought...doesn't sound too appetizing to do that for 4 weeks! I'm a little different then most in that I don't ever HAVE to drink a protein shake, unless I want to (and actually they DON'T want me to once I get to solids), so I'm looking for ways to get in my "few Tbsp- 1/4 C protein" (I don't have a gram goal) in at each meal during this Phase 2 diet without having to drink protein.

Long term, I'm also compiling high-protein, low carb recipes (which you've already given several of) as that's my goal long-term (I've done really well on Atkins in the past, but a modified Atkins with more fruits/veggies and some complex carbs is my goal).

Thanks for the recipes!! -BG

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You got it, BG. Also, most of my recipes are jpg's, which means you may be able to right click on them and save them to your computer for later printing.

Honey, you want mushies and low-carb? Coming right up!

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You're about to have some treats, my friend. I'm testing a new recipe today, and judging by the taste that --ahem!--accidentally splashed on my hand and had to be licked up, this is a new favorite in my household! Easy and low carb!

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