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Half Way!!!! - 71 lbs!!!!!! Four months Post-op!!

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I weigh 213.8 and just in case you didn't notice that puts a bigger number on the left side of my ticker than the right!

I AM OVER HALF WAY TO GOAL and I have lost 50% of my excess body weight! YEAH! I am almost 4 months post-op. I love my band! I hope to be in onderland by April 1 and hit the -100 pounds by my 35th birthday in June!!!!

Thank you guys for you great support.

I thought I needed a fill. Starting to look for food again between meals. Well my hubby broke his foot and will be off of work for a month (surgery yesterday to put a screw in his foot where he broke it) so I don't think I can afford a trip to Denver. What I noticed picking up a few days a clinic for my practicum is that I didn't get hungry between meals. I think I have been fighting that very conniving enemy called head hunger. I'm usually quick to pick up on it, but I think it was sneaking up on me and that's what the problem has been. I thought I was very wise to head hunger but sometimes it is so hard to tell the difference.

So I might not get a fill soon, but I think I will be ok with that. I'll have to see closer to the time if I have any money to go. I am supposed to go two weeks from tomorrow.

So we were sitting the doctor’s office yesterday morning waiting for orders to go the hospital for hubby’s surgery. I was sitting there and comfortably crossed my legs. That is has been such a big deal for me. I told hubby look! This is comfortable! I used to not be able to do this. He winked at me :thumbup: and said that getting me to cross my legs was the opposite goal he had for me. He’s so funny sometimes! :thumbup:

I told my doctor the following yesterday:

Here is an arithmatic lesson. It doesn't look right, but I've found that if you check it....it does equal out the way it is written.

4 months post-op (almost) - 71 lbs = 50% excess body weight = 1/2 way to goal of healthy BMI

I may not get down that low, but I hope to be close. Healthy is my goal. I thought I was needing a fill, but with hubby off work I don't think I can afford a trip to Denver besides I noticed the last two days working at the clinic that I wasn't really hungry between meals. I think I have been struggling with head hunger which can be MUCH WORSE than real hunger. But I have to be honest I have been really lucky in my results so far and getting restriction so early. I don't think my results are rare at all, but I bet I am in the top percentage of weight lost so..... um...I guess the word I'm looking for is...... easily? Not to say it hasn't been work. I started spinning class again on Wednesday. My butt is still sore!

I read an article that said that a successfull band patient is one that loses 50% of their excess body weight and keeps it off indeffinately. I just need to keep it off. I'm already successful. I think losing any more than another 50 lbs is just gravy.

My band’s name is Band Jovi…:drum:...I’m a huge fan!


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I weigh 213.8 and just in case you didn't notice that puts a bigger number on the left side of my ticker than the right!

I AM OVER HALF WAY TO GOAL and I have lost 50% of my excess body weight! YEAH! I am almost 4 months post-op. I love my band! I hope to be in onderland by April 1 and hit the -100 pounds by my 35th birthday in June!!!!

Thank you guys for you great support.

I thought I needed a fill. Starting to look for food again between meals. Well my hubby broke his foot and will be off of work for a month (surgery yesterday to put a screw in his foot where he broke it) so I don't think I can afford a trip to Denver. What I noticed picking up a few days a clinic for my practicum is that I didn't get hungry between meals. I think I have been fighting that very conniving enemy called head hunger. I'm usually quick to pick up on it, but I think it was sneaking up on me and that's what the problem has been. I thought I was very wise to head hunger but sometimes it is so hard to tell the difference.

So I might not get a fill soon, but I think I will be ok with that. I'll have to see closer to the time if I have any money to go. I am supposed to go two weeks from tomorrow.

So we were sitting the doctor’s office yesterday morning waiting for orders to go the hospital for hubby’s surgery. I was sitting there and comfortably crossed my legs. That is has been such a big deal for me. I told hubby look! This is comfortable! I used to not be able to do this. He winked at me B) and said that getting me to cross my legs was the opposite goal he had for me. He’s so funny sometimes! :o

I told my doctor the following yesterday:

Here is an arithmatic lesson. It doesn't look right, but I've found that if you check it....it does equal out the way it is written.

4 months post-op (almost) - 71 lbs = 50% excess body weight = 1/2 way to goal of healthy BMI

I may not get down that low, but I hope to be close. Healthy is my goal. I thought I was needing a fill, but with hubby off work I don't think I can afford a trip to Denver besides I noticed the last two days working at the clinic that I wasn't really hungry between meals. I think I have been struggling with head hunger which can be MUCH WORSE than real hunger. But I have to be honest I have been really lucky in my results so far and getting restriction so early. I don't think my results are rare at all, but I bet I am in the top percentage of weight lost so..... um...I guess the word I'm looking for is...... easily? Not to say it hasn't been work. I started spinning class again on Wednesday. My butt is still sore!

I read an article that said that a successfull band patient is one that loses 50% of their excess body weight and keeps it off indeffinately. I just need to keep it off. I'm already successful. I think losing any more than another 50 lbs is just gravy.

My band’s name is Band Jovi…:thumbup:...I’m a huge fan!


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Whoot!! That's awesome JA! Halfway in 4 mo.?!!! Is part of that pre-band? You're a bander superstar! Must feel (and look) good! -BG

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Wow Julie Ann that is fantastic! Way to go!! People around you must be floored with excitement over your quick results!

I was banded on 2/11/09 and have lost 25 pounds so far. I can only hope that I am going to follow in your footsteps with the rapid weight loss!

Keep up the postive energy on this site Girl!

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Well BG 14 lbs was post-op weight loss. But my highest weight I saw on the scale was 285.5 on October 10th (I think) and it is just over 4 months past that. Overall I just can't complain!!!

Thanks KLynch. I think that even when you plateau you have to be positive or else you will get caught up in that negative trap and then I would want to feed the beast! (The beast is OBESITY and HEAD HUNGER!)

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Cripes! That's about 4 pounds a week...and through the holidays even! You're doing twice as well as the average bandster!!!! *Bowing down* -BG

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Naw...that can't be right. I have kept track every week. I did lose 8 lbs the first week after banding and 14 lbs the two weeks before. Otherwise it has averaged about 3 lbs a week I think. That is usually my goal for the week.

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Do the math girl! Oct. 10 was 19 weeks and a day ago...71.7 / 19= 3.77+ pounds per week! Celebrate!!!! Yes, I am way too obsessed with what others are losing (hey, it's motivating). Great job! -BG

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WOW.....I'm almost 2 months post op and only lost 16 pounds. I wish!!!!! I must be doing something wrong! CONGRATS though, that is AMAZING!

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Great job. I just left you a visitors message. U don't have to worry about answering my question. I found the answer in your blog. Sorry to hear about your husband. Congrats you are almost there.

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I was banded on 2-13-09 I am in AWE of your success, you have motivated me to keep going. I am down 24 pounds! Keep up the great results you have given me the motivation to fight the hunger and stay focused

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I was banded January 2, and I've only lost 40 pounds. I'm in awe and envious. I'm battling head hunger and habit. Those are my personal demons. You've inspired me. Good luck, JA!

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24 lbs in a month!

40lbs in 2 months!

You guys are doing AWESOME!!!! That's is amazing too. Keep up the good work and it took about 3 months for my changes to become habit....a lifestyle. You will get there!!!!

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Hi everyone im so excited i found this page! this is what ive been look for im 20 years old and im going for the band in april! im so excited i wanted to know how much weight i could loose by summer and you wonderful girls are giving me so much confidence! Im so proud of all of you and very happy Keep up the goood work lady's BC<3

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I was banded on march 5th and had lost 15 lbs. pre-op adn now 21lbs all together. I just started eating soft mushy foods this week and am afraid to eat much because I want to lose wt. Did anyone have this problem? I guess I'm so used to yo-yo dieting I still have a fear that the wt. is gonna come back. Hopefully after I get my 1st fill it will give me more confidence that I'm gonna keep the wt off and I will be able to eat more with less guilt.

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eat a cup at a time and weigh out your protein when you get to that point. That will get you used to seeing banster portions. I still measure my food 5 months after being banded and 80 lbs gone. It is a great habit to get into.

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