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The Bear I Made For Selena

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For those who didn't see the blog, my assistant Selena had a teddy bear I'd made her. She gave away that bear to an autistic child going into the hospital.


Here is the replacement bear I'll send. I've named it, "A Pearl Beyond Price" because that's what Selena is, and not only to me.





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For those who didn't see the blog, my assistant Selena had a teddy bear I'd made her. She gave away that bear to an autistic child going into the hospital.

Here is the replacement bear I'll send. I've named it, "A Pearl Beyond Price" because that's what Selena is, and not only to me.


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Too cute! Man, you just whipped that up fast....I'm now sending you all my half-finished 'best intentions' sewing craft projects (along with that mending pile). I saw a bumper sticker once that made me chuckle "She who dies with the most leftover fabric wins!"...what woman doesn't have piles of leftover/unused fabric. You've got talent girl! -BG

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::Taking a bow:: Thank you! That's going to be quite a pile you're sending. Should I have my DH drop by your way with the semi? LOL!

I have that bumper sticker BTW. The bear is actually very easy and takes maybe an hour to cut and stitch. I hand-stitched the pearls on while I watched TV last night. Not that difficult, really.


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