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Another NSV

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I sew. I sew a lot. Not only do I make my own clothes, I make teddy bears, quilts, costumes, and occasionally the odd decorating item. Yes, I'm one of those annoyingly creative people who have to decorate anything that holds still long enough.


A few months ago, I made myself a beautiful white jacket out of silk brocade covered in white-on-white phoenixes. I loved that jacket, but had to put it away when cold weather struck.


This morning, I needed to make some decisions on what to wear for a trip to visit my mother in St. Augustine. Mom, who is a blonde size 6 soaking wet, dresses to kill and doesn't look her age in the slightest. She also hasn't seen me since the day of my surgery. If you've seen my "before pictures" here, you know we don't look a thing alike. Needless to say, my feminine sense of competitiveness makes me want to dress up as best I can when I go shopping with Mom, especially since she prefers some pretty exclusive little establishments.


Anyway, I pulled out that gorgeous jacket and decided to try on a pair of black jeans and black silk shirt I've not worn in years because I couldn't stuff my fat body into them. The jeans not only slid on, the shirt was too big! I screeched and ran out to show my roomie, a gay man named Dante. The jeans were loose and almost baggy, and Dante rejected the shirt. "Honey, you look like you're a little girl trying to wear Mommy's clothes. Do I need to take you shopping?" (giggle)


I'm still wearing the outfit on Saturday if Mom's free to go out, but I think my proud grin will outshine whatever Mom wears. Guess I'll take in the shirt, though. Good thing I know how to sew.

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I sew. I sew a lot. Not only do I make my own clothes, I make teddy bears, quilts, costumes, and occasionally the odd decorating item. Yes, I'm one of those annoyingly creative people who have to decorate anything that holds still long enough.

A few months ago, I made myself a beautiful white jacket out of silk brocade covered in white-on-white phoenixes. I loved that jacket, but had to put it away when cold weather struck.

This morning, I needed to make some decisions on what to wear for a trip to visit my mother in St. Augustine. Mom, who is a blonde size 6 soaking wet, dresses to kill and doesn't look her age in the slightest. She also hasn't seen me since the day of my surgery. If you've seen my "before pictures" here, you know we don't look a thing alike. Needless to say, my feminine sense of competitiveness makes me want to dress up as best I can when I go shopping with Mom, especially since she prefers some pretty exclusive little establishments.

Anyway, I pulled out that gorgeous jacket and decided to try on a pair of black jeans and black silk shirt I've not worn in years because I couldn't stuff my fat body into them. The jeans not only slid on, the shirt was too big! I screeched and ran out to show my roomie, a gay man named Dante. The jeans were loose and almost baggy, and Dante rejected the shirt. "Honey, you look like you're a little girl trying to wear Mommy's clothes. Do I need to take you shopping?" (giggle)

I'm still wearing the outfit on Saturday if Mom's free to go out, but I think my proud grin will outshine whatever Mom wears. Guess I'll take in the shirt, though. Good thing I know how to sew.

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Ahhh...the only creative 'craft' I have no patience for...sewing. I think my mending pile (mountain) still has baby clothes in it (youngest is 13)...*she hangs her head in shame* My family teases me that it's 'the black hole'. They know better now then to throw something in that pile (huge basket that's now overflowing about waist high). All I sew are instant gratification decorating things like curtains and pillows...straight stitching. I'm in awe of those who can sew a button hole or zipper without tearing their hair out!

Nice NSV! Mom will be in 'shock and awe'! Have fun! -BG

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I got another NSV tonight. I put on an old favorite sleeveless pajama set for lounging around the house and the pants just slid around my hips and almost off my butt to the floor. I juggled my cell phone and managed to grab the pants before they hit the floor around my ankles. Another thing on my own growing pile of "tailor this down" mending.

However, I have one sewing project that tops everything. My assistant, Selena, is down sick with the flu. She telecommutes from NJ, and I of course telecommute from here in FL. Selena and I chatted by email about a promotion, but she was so sick she had to go lay down. I told her to go cuddle the teddy bear I'd made and sent her last year.

Selena answered, "I can't. I have a friend with an autistic son who went in the hospital for surgery. I gave him my bear to make him feel better."

You know I'm making her a new teddy bear ASAP. Such selflessness deserves the best bear I can make. It'll be soft baby blue flannel with faux pearls in a necklace and "earrings." I've named it "A Pearl Beyond Price." She's earned it.

I'm getting all sniffly just thinking about it.

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...now I'm sniffly too...what great friends you both are!

...and I'm sending you my mending mountain (at least the ones that aren't toddler size).

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