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The day after

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Hello well its done and I am so thrilled dont get me wrong but OMG this gas is a MF I cant believe just how painful trap gas is. I found out that durning surgery the pump air inside to get a better look at your stomach. I just wish some smart ass some where could figur out how to release that air before closing you up. U THINK LOL. I cant complain enough trust when i say pain i mean crazy pain. I should have over dosed on gas x sripes and the chewable ones I have been poping the 90 going north . I hope this passes soon I dont know how much i can take. I am pretty good in tolarating pain but this shit is something else. I spoke to my Dr. and he assured me it would pass and i ask about the lymph node that he romoved he again assured me that everything is fine that the lymph note looked normal I am so concerned because that is the type ofcancer my mother has. He will call when he hears from the Lab. I have heard from my Ex and just to mess with me thats cool as long as he doesnt try to come back he was my biggeest mistake:eek: OK I HOPE TO FEEL BETTER TOMMORROW. I LOVE MY BAND THIS GAS WONT MAKE ME HATE MY BAND.

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Hello well its done and I am so thrilled dont get me wrong but OMG this gas is a MF I cant believe just how painful trap gas is. I found out that durning surgery the pump air inside to get a better look at your stomach. I just wish some smart ass some where could figur out how to release that air before closing you up. U THINK LOL. I cant complain enough trust when i say pain i mean crazy pain. I should have over dosed on gas x sripes and the chewable ones I have been poping the 90 going north . I hope this passes soon I dont know how much i can take. I am pretty good in tolarating pain but this shit is something else. I spoke to my Dr. and he assured me it would pass and i ask about the lymph node that he romoved he again assured me that everything is fine that the lymph note looked normal I am so concerned because that is the type ofcancer my mother has. He will call when he hears from the Lab. I have heard from my Ex and just to mess with me thats cool as long as he doesnt try to come back he was my biggeest mistake:eek: OK I HOPE TO FEEL BETTER TOMMORROW. I LOVE MY BAND THIS GAS WONT MAKE ME HATE MY BAND.

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I had my surgery around 1 PM and was on a morphine drip the rest of the day and night and then the next day they took me off of it and made me walk and walk to keep from getting gas so it worked. All I can say is get to walking girl and take that pain medication. I f that doesn't work call the doctor and keep calling tell he does something.

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I hear ya on the gas. I got home about 5 hours ago after being banded yesterday at 1:45. The gas is killing me as well. I asked about gas x and was told not to take it. The surgeon said the more I walk the more gas escapes and so far it has been working alright. Well Band Buddy - Good luck to you. Here's to a healthy journey for us both

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Yes, I have the same problem - lots of gas. I'm going to call my doctor's hotline to see what the best medicine is to take for it. So, far they have given me medicine for naseua but nothing for the gas. My surgery was on Wednesday, and I can't believe I still have gas.

But, I love my band.

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lol. u'd think they could let the air out like we do with zip-lock bags! Ya know, squeeze the air out b4 they stitch 'er up. LOL

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LOL well done i just had mine done on the 2/2/09 and my gas has all gone now but only just it takes almost a week. and Yes it does bloody hurt even tho he said that its just a little un comfy. I have been burping like mad. I do find that if i over eat i will burp for hours after. well great reading your blog i enjoyed and i cant wait to see and hear of your results. I cant beleive you just had it done and your on here i was in hospital for 4 days and the day after i was drugged bad morphine well wow what can i say it does wonders.

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