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Georgia thinks this website needs a usability specialist

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But that's just my biased opinion.


Okay, for documentation purposes let me describe my typical day:


7:00 AM - wake up & get ready

8:00 AM - Breakfast of either 2 scoops Apex Fit chocolate shake (mmmmmm... tastes like a REAL chocolate shake) or a FiberOne bar, and one Metagenics b-complex


12:00 PM - Lunch of leftovers from night before or a frozen dinner of some type


3:00 PM - Fiber One bar or some form of chocolate I shouldn't eat OR yogurt


5:00 PM - Leave work for the day


6:00 PM - Spin class on Mondays & Wednesdays, Swimming on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and running on Saturdays. It's warming up and we'll start biking and running outside soon.


7:30-8:00 PM - Dinner. This week's dinners consisted of

Mon: Homemade Lasagna

Tue: LF Cream cheese & chicken crepes and about 5 oreos

Wed: Fried turkey steaks with mashed potatoes and a skillet brownie w/ ice cream

Thu: Famous Dave's for mom's birthday and threw it ALL up!

Fri: We're going to dinner for Nick's dad's birthday, not sure where



This week we've not exercised at all because Nick was very afraid that he'd hurt his back again and woudl have to have surgery. He was so afraid that he even teared up the other night of the thought of going through that again. This is the equivalent of him being paralyzed. He's such an active guy. Not mountain biking and hiking and camping and doing some of those things he loves is like torture for him. We've prayed very hard lately and I felt like things would be ok. Today he called me and told me his back feels so much better. I'm so grateful!


I wish I could have the motivation to exercise on my own without my awesome husband! Ugh. Maybe I'll have to start doing it at the campus track during lunch hours.

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But that's just my biased opinion.

Okay, for documentation purposes let me describe my typical day:

7:00 AM - wake up & get ready

8:00 AM - Breakfast of either 2 scoops Apex Fit chocolate shake (mmmmmm... tastes like a REAL chocolate shake) or a FiberOne bar, and one Metagenics b-complex

12:00 PM - Lunch of leftovers from night before or a frozen dinner of some type

3:00 PM - Fiber One bar or some form of chocolate I shouldn't eat OR yogurt

5:00 PM - Leave work for the day

6:00 PM - Spin class on Mondays & Wednesdays, Swimming on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and running on Saturdays. It's warming up and we'll start biking and running outside soon.

7:30-8:00 PM - Dinner. This week's dinners consisted of

Mon: Homemade Lasagna

Tue: LF Cream cheese & chicken crepes and about 5 oreos

Wed: Fried turkey steaks with mashed potatoes and a skillet brownie w/ ice cream

Thu: Famous Dave's for mom's birthday and threw it ALL up!

Fri: We're going to dinner for Nick's dad's birthday, not sure where

This week we've not exercised at all because Nick was very afraid that he'd hurt his back again and woudl have to have surgery. He was so afraid that he even teared up the other night of the thought of going through that again. This is the equivalent of him being paralyzed. He's such an active guy. Not mountain biking and hiking and camping and doing some of those things he loves is like torture for him. We've prayed very hard lately and I felt like things would be ok. Today he called me and told me his back feels so much better. I'm so grateful!

I wish I could have the motivation to exercise on my own without my awesome husband! Ugh. Maybe I'll have to start doing it at the campus track during lunch hours.

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