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If you cant fight....use harsh language and dirty looks

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another FURIOUS blog in front of your eyes! so its been day two of meeting random people up at school, nothing special happend today.......or wait.....i guess i did see something i need to coment on. now, as i sit here drinking a glass of wine and listening to some heavy metal......i am conflicted to wether or not i should tell this story....because i might be a few sentences fom offending you. WAIT.....NOW I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO READ THE REST OF THIS, HAHA IJUST SUCKED YOU IN, YOU CANT STOP READING AT THIS POINT, HAHAH, THE BLOG WORLD IS MINE!:toetap05: ok ok back on topic. i seen this guy up at school today. he is extermly overweight "no judgement from me" but he was worse than i ever was. so i took a seat and watched him, for what reason i do not know, but something made me sit a few seats behind him. but i wasnt watching him, i watched the people that watched him. people would openly walk by and stare like he was a 5 car pile up on the freeway. this one guy/girl couple even pointed "POINTED" these people are supposed to be i college, "meaning half way smart i guess". at this point i wanted to take action and start kicking some ass out of principle! but i just cant do that, that would be wrong, right? wrong like openly staring at someone that is exteremely over weight, that kind of wrong, right? so i wentover and struck up a conversation with the fellow and found out he was an avid painter and loved to read science fiction like my self. guess what, he is human! just like you and me. maybe the people walking by all wide eyed are not the humans, but the evil marshins from mars, sent here to make fat people feel bad about being a larger size. these evil space beings are the ones that make people afraid to ask a girl to the prom because he will know she will just laugh at him. these are the evil space spawns from the warp that makes kids comit suicide because there not good enough for "society" only the truth is much worse than evil space people, they are fellow humans. LISTEN PEOPLE, no matter how we deny it sometimes, people will hate us for who we are, ok thats fine, hate me, because the feeling is mutaual! but i see people that are over weight and do not stand up for themselves, it pains me to see this. i can say i never laid down for anyone, even when i was at my highest of weights "380" and i am not starting now "292". i have the physical scars to prove it. YES, i had to physicaly fight back a times in my life because i was fat, thank good i could fight, and thank god for friends that had my back. I pray that people dont have to go through that, but i must admit, it feels good to hurt the ones that hurt you. i do consider my self a god fearing man, and revenge is not right......but DAMN!, it felt great to stand up for myself and say yeah im fat.....so come get some tough guy! that hasnt happend for a few years now, but what is the lesson for the day. do not take "im sorry for the nasty language" SHIT from anyone! do not be meek inthe face of bullies or haters or people that hate you because of your size. some of us have the band and have lost our weight, some of us have more to go like me, 82lbs worth. some of us are still band-less. let me say to each and everyone of you. be strong, use peoples hate towords you, and turn it in to motivation at the gym or in a good jog. dont let it drag you down and feeling sorry for yourself. no one ever won a fight by taking a punch. and this is what we are in folks, a fight...a fight for health, respect, or what ever else can be taken away by being heavy. THIS IS THE FURIOUS ABYSS TELLING YOU TO BE STRONG, STAY MOTIVATED, AND THERE IS NO VICTORY WITHOUT SACRIFICE!



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another FURIOUS blog in front of your eyes! so its been day two of meeting random people up at school, nothing special happend today.......or wait.....i guess i did see something i need to coment on. now, as i sit here drinking a glass of wine and listening to some heavy metal......i am conflicted to wether or not i should tell this story....because i might be a few sentences fom offending you. WAIT.....NOW I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO READ THE REST OF THIS, HAHA IJUST SUCKED YOU IN, YOU CANT STOP READING AT THIS POINT, HAHAH, THE BLOG WORLD IS MINE!:scared2: ok ok back on topic. i seen this guy up at school today. he is extermly overweight "no judgement from me" but he was worse than i ever was. so i took a seat and watched him, for what reason i do not know, but something made me sit a few seats behind him. but i wasnt watching him, i watched the people that watched him. people would openly walk by and stare like he was a 5 car pile up on the freeway. this one guy/girl couple even pointed "POINTED" these people are supposed to be i college, "meaning half way smart i guess". at this point i wanted to take action and start kicking some ass out of principle! but i just cant do that, that would be wrong, right? wrong like openly staring at someone that is exteremely over weight, that kind of wrong, right? so i wentover and struck up a conversation with the fellow and found out he was an avid painter and loved to read science fiction like my self. guess what, he is human! just like you and me. maybe the people walking by all wide eyed are not the humans, but the evil marshins from mars, sent here to make fat people feel bad about being a larger size. these evil space beings are the ones that make people afraid to ask a girl to the prom because he will know she will just laugh at him. these are the evil space spawns from the warp that makes kids comit suicide because there not good enough for "society" only the truth is much worse than evil space people, they are fellow humans. LISTEN PEOPLE, no matter how we deny it sometimes, people will hate us for who we are, ok thats fine, hate me, because the feeling is mutaual! but i see people that are over weight and do not stand up for themselves, it pains me to see this. i can say i never laid down for anyone, even when i was at my highest of weights "380" and i am not starting now "292". i have the physical scars to prove it. YES, i had to physicaly fight back a times in my life because i was fat, thank good i could fight, and thank god for friends that had my back. I pray that people dont have to go through that, but i must admit, it feels good to hurt the ones that hurt you. i do consider my self a god fearing man, and revenge is not right......but DAMN!, it felt great to stand up for myself and say yeah im fat.....so come get some tough guy! that hasnt happend for a few years now, but what is the lesson for the day. do not take "im sorry for the nasty language" SHIT from anyone! do not be meek inthe face of bullies or haters or people that hate you because of your size. some of us have the band and have lost our weight, some of us have more to go like me, 82lbs worth. some of us are still band-less. let me say to each and everyone of you. be strong, use peoples hate towords you, and turn it in to motivation at the gym or in a good jog. dont let it drag you down and feeling sorry for yourself. no one ever won a fight by taking a punch. and this is what we are in folks, a fight...a fight for health, respect, or what ever else can be taken away by being heavy. THIS IS THE FURIOUS ABYSS TELLING YOU TO BE STRONG, STAY MOTIVATED, AND THERE IS NO VICTORY WITHOUT SACRIFICE!



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Well i just read this and yes you totally grabbed my attention...lol.. but i must say this sadly isn't a laughing matter. I am totally on the same page as yourself. I haven't been banded I anxiously wait till 2/13 ... and i am 257lbs. So i definately know what it is to be a "big girl". Now i have experienced this demon face to face. I can't tell you how much in pisses me off to see people critique others for weight. Believe it or not i have seen it go both ways. I have a niece who comes home crying frequently because she wieghs 90lbs and is 20 in college and constantly have people talking trash saying she is "too skinny" and she must have an eating disorder. Now i see this girl act like a trash compactor and she won't gain anything... and then you have me that if i look at it i gain it and i gotta hear the trash talk. Now i consider myself a pretty confident person. I have had guys curse me out and tell me i'm fat because i didn't entertain there advances. I mean it's ironic how i'm cute to try the lame lines on but as soon as i shut you down i get the "well who wants your fat a** anyway"....lmaoo.. I hate it !! i just can't like someone it turns into attack the fat girl. Now there are times when my feelings actually get hurt and i get that stupid lump in the throat and want to smack the flowers out of people. Such as club nights when guys hit on you to make you feel special to just make it a joke amongst themselves and their friends... it totally sucks and i give you tons of kuddos for taking the time out and speaking to the guy..believe it or not you made his day. We all (fat, skinny,and "perfect") have days when we have just had it with society's way of judging us. I believe in the ultimate judgment and thats all !! Every other person is just like me ... and we all have something special about us and if people allow themselves to be limited to who you befriend because of their appearance i pity them. At the end of the day the negativity stems from within you and i hope that everyone reads this blog and learns something that they can pass on. Like you mentioned above tons of people commit suicide because of their weight and how the world views them. Just think if this guy had his last draw with the redicule and was on his way home to do something negative and you just taking the time to see how he was doing and having an HONEST interest in him as a person stopped that from happening. Go YOU !! I wrote alot but this ticks me off... oh and before i forget I have also seen people who have lost alot of weight indulge and critique the obese. I hope no one on this site will EVER do that ... !!! Keep me proud banders and treat people the way you want to be treated... thanks for listening to me ramble.... GREAT BLOG !!

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great comment, i also hope people do not start hating overweight people once they are thin, that would be a tremendous loss for that person, meaning.....they were fat and felt bad about it,soooo, to make up for lost time they have to be extra hard on fat people to make them selves feel better. ahhhhh that is just lame and pathetic. so you get the band on 2/13. i hope you do well, and lose all the weight you want! i want to hear stories in the future about you tearing the club up in a mini skirt and making all the girls envious of you hahaha. we all have dreams like that. for example, i want the six pack abb deal. haha. im getting there but it is hard work. once again, stay strong and live your life to the fullest. like i said i wana hear club stories in the future! hahaha

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Yes i get banded in a week... i am soooooo excited...!! Thanks for your blessings... and i will keep you posted on all my club adventures... don't forget my stilletos with that mini...lmaoo... Keep up your good work ... that six pack isn't as far as you may think ... good things happen to good people. I want pics of that six pack in exchange for my club pics.... lol.. it's nice to have the idea and know for once it's not completely impossible... i feel that deep inside... it will happen for both of us... remember anything worth having isn't easy to get... !!!

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WELL CALM DOWN THE WORLD IS FULL OF MEAN SPIRITED PEOPLE JUST DONT LET THAT ANGER YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE LETTING THAAT EVIL INTO YOUR SPACE. You did right when you b friended the guy and you should continue to be you. Just like you can be fat their are people that can be just evil. Dont let the actions of others effect you. At the rate you are going you will go off sooner then later. Deal with your issues see someone express these over whelming feeling. I wish you all the luck and next time you are caught in that situation (and you will be) pity those people that dont have a clue. Much love, Michelle

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