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31-5-06 Weigh in Day

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Weight: 107.2 (-.8grams)(-1.8lbs)




Ice tea (29 kcal, 7.3g carbs, 30mg vit C)

125ml 1% milk

3 Maria crackers (ok these I'm debating the nutritionalist told me to eat them but the surgeon said not to. hummmmmm)

60gm (1oz) lean pork girlled

1 tablespoon white rice

100gm (3oz) salad

200gm (6oz) turkey with mushrooms

100gm (3oz) rice with beans

1,5 liter of water




Daily routine

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Weight: 107.2 (-.8grams)(-1.8lbs)


Ice tea (29 kcal, 7.3g carbs, 30mg vit C)

125ml 1% milk

3 Maria crackers (ok these I'm debating the nutritionalist told me to eat them but the surgeon said not to. hummmmmm)

60gm (1oz) lean pork girlled

1 tablespoon white rice

100gm (3oz) salad

200gm (6oz) turkey with mushrooms

100gm (3oz) rice with beans

1,5 liter of water


Daily routine

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