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topamax & migraines

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So my neurologist put me on topomax (or is it topamax?) for my migraines and last night was my first dose (before bedtime). He forewarned me that the most common side effect was appetite loss, and i just shrugged it off because big deal, right? Well no. Being banded for me means I do not get hungry. I have to remind myself to eat, so a drug that surpresses my already non-existent appetite is no biggie, or so I thought. I realized a half hour ago that today I had 2 cappacinos (yes, I know we arent' supposed to have caffeine, but I'm a bad girl), less than a cup of salad w/ vinagarette dressing, less than a 1/4c of pulled pork (just plain), and that was it. UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm, thats so not me. I have no desire to lose weight the unhealthy way. Anyone can force themselves to stop eating, and what good does it do? Eventually you fall off the wagon and binge an then -pow- all your weight is right back on. I chose to eat healthy. I never deprive myself of things---NEVER. Even chocolate, sugar, soda, whatever. I just hold myself accountable for it. For instance, if I have to give into my temptation and eat half a package of m-n-ms (220cals for 1/2; 440 for whole), I know that for dinner I better be eating fish or chicken breast and it better be dry, no pretty sauces for me, gotta keep the calories down. This forces me to forego the m-n-ms (my weakness) because I love to cook and I love to have fab dinners, not boring "I'm on a diet" dinners. Its all give and take. I eat not so good things in moderation and am sure to fill the rest of my day with exceptionally healthy things. Which, is really easy for me since I could probably be a vegetarian if need be. Like if tomorrow meat sky rocketed in price, it wouldn't bother me, I just would eat more broccoli & spinach <3


Anywho, I am very upset over what this medication did to my appetite today and I am planning on paying better attention to it tomorrow. But, if for some reason I find myself unable to get my diet back to where it needs to be, I'll be calling the neurologist and he'll be changing my meds. I'd rather suffer from the occasional migraine than make myself sick from not eating properly.


<3 tiff:tongue_smilie:

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So my neurologist put me on topomax (or is it topamax?) for my migraines and last night was my first dose (before bedtime). He forewarned me that the most common side effect was appetite loss, and i just shrugged it off because big deal, right? Well no. Being banded for me means I do not get hungry. I have to remind myself to eat, so a drug that surpresses my already non-existent appetite is no biggie, or so I thought. I realized a half hour ago that today I had 2 cappacinos (yes, I know we arent' supposed to have caffeine, but I'm a bad girl), less than a cup of salad w/ vinagarette dressing, less than a 1/4c of pulled pork (just plain), and that was it. UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm, thats so not me. I have no desire to lose weight the unhealthy way. Anyone can force themselves to stop eating, and what good does it do? Eventually you fall off the wagon and binge an then -pow- all your weight is right back on. I chose to eat healthy. I never deprive myself of things---NEVER. Even chocolate, sugar, soda, whatever. I just hold myself accountable for it. For instance, if I have to give into my temptation and eat half a package of m-n-ms (220cals for 1/2; 440 for whole), I know that for dinner I better be eating fish or chicken breast and it better be dry, no pretty sauces for me, gotta keep the calories down. This forces me to forego the m-n-ms (my weakness) because I love to cook and I love to have fab dinners, not boring "I'm on a diet" dinners. Its all give and take. I eat not so good things in moderation and am sure to fill the rest of my day with exceptionally healthy things. Which, is really easy for me since I could probably be a vegetarian if need be. Like if tomorrow meat sky rocketed in price, it wouldn't bother me, I just would eat more broccoli & spinach <3

Anywho, I am very upset over what this medication did to my appetite today and I am planning on paying better attention to it tomorrow. But, if for some reason I find myself unable to get my diet back to where it needs to be, I'll be calling the neurologist and he'll be changing my meds. I'd rather suffer from the occasional migraine than make myself sick from not eating properly.

<3 tiff:tongue_smilie:

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If it continues, ask about other meds. for migraine relief. My doc gave me a low dose of amitriptyline for migraines and it's been a wonder drug for me. It took me about 3 weeks to ramp up into it and feel normal (made me very groggy in the mornings), but now I only get one or two bad headaches a month and usually no migraines at all (I was having 3 a week before (very debilitating). If this one causes appetite suppressant I certainly haven't noticed that at all.

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