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Better than Disney World!

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FIFTY pounds gone forever! I can't believe it! Three short months ago I was getting ready to start my pre-op diet! It was 3 months ago that I was wondering if I would let myself down like I had every other time I tried to lose weight. It was 3 months ago I wondered if the band would work for me the way it worked for so many. Three months ago I was wondering what if I spend all this money…$265/mo for 5 years, to weigh the same as I did on my surgery day. I am over a third of the way to my goal. I can’t wait to see how I get there and when. It is like a trip to Disney World. It’s coming…I know its going to be great and so much fun once I get there. The anticipation is just about killing me!

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FIFTY pounds gone forever! I can't believe it! Three short months ago I was getting ready to start my pre-op diet! It was 3 months ago that I was wondering if I would let myself down like I had every other time I tried to lose weight. It was 3 months ago I wondered if the band would work for me the way it worked for so many. Three months ago I was wondering what if I spend all this money…$265/mo for 5 years, to weigh the same as I did on my surgery day. I am over a third of the way to my goal. I can’t wait to see how I get there and when. It is like a trip to Disney World. It’s coming…I know its going to be great and so much fun once I get there. The anticipation is just about killing me!

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You go girl!!! I was just reading some depressing blogs. Yours is AWESOME! It is going to be my testimony, too. I've lost 16 pounds so far preop and have surgery on Jan. 9th.

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Thanks! Great job on the pre-op diet. I lost 14 pre-op. Tondavi - check out the rest of my blog if you want to. I started it about the same place you are now.

Hey Groupie....thanks! I got compliments in every department today at the hosptial. I usually make rounds every morning and I couldn't believe the reaction. I am running out of clothes to wear though!

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