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Tomorrow's my WI

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I appear to be down and may have my C issues under better control. I got a tip to add some Miralax to my protein drink so I put a capful in every morning and then take my regular stool softener at night and today I started to see some progress...YAY!!!! That is one of the scourges of my life. I am really worried that after my lapRNY those issues will get worse...I guess all I can do is what I AM doing. :glare:


I appear to be down prior to my WI tomorrow night. That's GREAT! :blush: I was getting worried. I am not all that interested in losing right now but maintaining is good. We leave for Disney on Jan. 15 so...I will have to maintain during that trip too so I don't want a loss before that...make sense?


I am BAD though. I haven't kept my food journal and I haven't been wearing my pedometer. :biggrin: Next month...those will be my goals. :rolleyes3:


I was over on obesity help dot com...looking at before and after pictures. I really cannot wait. To think that this time next year I could have 100# off? I am so excited I can hardly stand it. :glare:

What's exciting you today???? :rolleyes2:

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I appear to be down and may have my C issues under better control. I got a tip to add some Miralax to my protein drink so I put a capful in every morning and then take my regular stool softener at night and today I started to see some progress...YAY!!!! That is one of the scourges of my life. I am really worried that after my lapRNY those issues will get worse...I guess all I can do is what I AM doing. :blush:

I appear to be down prior to my WI tomorrow night. That's GREAT! :eek: I was getting worried. I am not all that interested in losing right now but maintaining is good. We leave for Disney on Jan. 15 so...I will have to maintain during that trip too so I don't want a loss before that...make sense?

I am BAD though. I haven't kept my food journal and I haven't been wearing my pedometer. :thumbup: Next month...those will be my goals. :biggrin:

I was over on obesity help dot com...looking at before and after pictures. I really cannot wait. To think that this time next year I could have 100# off? I am so excited I can hardly stand it. :wub:

What's exciting you today???? :biggrin:

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Miralax...sounds familiar today! Exciting today? Hmmm...no Disney trip planned, no WI coming up soon...exciting?...hmmm...it's 11am and I'm still in my jammies...youngest DS is home from school so we're getting ready to play a game...OK, I know...I'm excited to play Wii bowling with him! In real life I get low scores bumper bowling, but I rule at Wii bowling!

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I'm wondering if you need to watch the regular use of Miralax. I have some in my cabinet. I had to get it after surgery. Stool softners aren't addictive, but laxatives can be. Did your doctor tell you to take it daily?

There are fiber chewables you can take to keep things moving in addition to the stool softners.

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@ julie.ann actually I have chronic ibs-c and when my old medicine went off the market (and believe me, I cried for weeks), my doctor put me on miralax. I checked with the pharmacist and its safe for everyday, long term use. I always worry about that too! Fiber doesn't do it for me. I could eat a field of kudzu and it wouldn't move me. Sad isn't it??? I was taking miralax kind of "as needed" but have found it works better for me if I use it regularly. Now if I take it with my AM protein drink...the next AM...woop, there it is! LOL

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