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Booo for sleep studies!!!

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In my post yesterday, I was more than a little upset that I had to do a sleep study. I did it last night, and it really wasn't all that bad. The only problem is I never sleep on my back and I was SO uncomfortable. Without meaning to, I kept rolling to my side (luckily not my stomach) in my sleep, and the sleep tech had to keep coming in and waking me up to roll me onto my back and reposition the sensors. I only slept about 4 hours the whole night. Oh, and the goo. There is SO much of that conducting goo in my hair! So don't plan to go to work right after a sleep study!!


In the morning, the sleep doctor came in and we went through the responses. It took WAAAAY too long. I just wanted to know whether or not I was cleared for surgery. He went through the night in 5 minute increments which took forever. . . especially since most of it I was awake and there wasn't much to look at. Anyway, he said that I had very mild sleep apnea and that I could choose to have treatment or move forward without it. I asked him a bunch of questions b/c I didn't want brush this off. Suffocating during your sleep is serious!! Eventually we decided that since I don't sleep on my back and since I have a recliner I can use after surgery in case I can't lay on my side in bed, then it would be okay if I forgo treatment!!! :thumbup: I'm completely cleared for surgery now! I still have to get bloodwork done, but I have no reason to believe anything will be wrong. My date is set for January 16th at 11:30am!!!


I thought I would be happier after getting my date. . .maybe I'm just sleep deprived. I think Jan 16th seems so far away that it doesn't seem real yet. Well, since I'm selfpay, I need to go narrow down my loan list and fill out an applications.

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In my post yesterday, I was more than a little upset that I had to do a sleep study. I did it last night, and it really wasn't all that bad. The only problem is I never sleep on my back and I was SO uncomfortable. Without meaning to, I kept rolling to my side (luckily not my stomach) in my sleep, and the sleep tech had to keep coming in and waking me up to roll me onto my back and reposition the sensors. I only slept about 4 hours the whole night. Oh, and the goo. There is SO much of that conducting goo in my hair! So don't plan to go to work right after a sleep study!!

In the morning, the sleep doctor came in and we went through the responses. It took WAAAAY too long. I just wanted to know whether or not I was cleared for surgery. He went through the night in 5 minute increments which took forever. . . especially since most of it I was awake and there wasn't much to look at. Anyway, he said that I had very mild sleep apnea and that I could choose to have treatment or move forward without it. I asked him a bunch of questions b/c I didn't want brush this off. Suffocating during your sleep is serious!! Eventually we decided that since I don't sleep on my back and since I have a recliner I can use after surgery in case I can't lay on my side in bed, then it would be okay if I forgo treatment!!! :biggrin: I'm completely cleared for surgery now! I still have to get bloodwork done, but I have no reason to believe anything will be wrong. My date is set for January 16th at 11:30am!!!

I thought I would be happier after getting my date. . .maybe I'm just sleep deprived. I think Jan 16th seems so far away that it doesn't seem real yet. Well, since I'm selfpay, I need to go narrow down my loan list and fill out an applications.

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Hello , I was looking at your Blog and I was wondering if you or anyone might have the answer I seek . I had my sleep test done Nov..14th and failed .I was told I would have to have another test done with a c-pap mask on . Will this hold me up with the surgery since it's taking so long in getting scheduled? My lap band office called me because he is not receiving paperwork from my primary doctor (front desk). I have been there numberous times requesting them to send it and they keep telling they will or have ect. I figured I will collect everything myself and personal take everything to them. I need to know do I have to have the test re done before I can have the surgery or not .This is driving me crazy,any help would be welcoming

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I'm sorry, but yes I believe this will hold up your surgery. My sleep doctor said if a chose the treatment that I had to do another sleep study to learn how to use the cpap mask at least 2 weeks before the surgery so I could get used to how it worked. It might be best if you just go get copies and take them to your lapband office personally. All of these hoops we have to jump through can be really frustrating, but hang in there! Best of luck!

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I just did exactly what you said to do . I gathered all my medical records and weights ,and all test results from my primary doctors office and drove 35 miles to my lap band doctor.I also scheduled my sleep study myself for Dec.29,because the front desk office worker can't seem to find the time . I need to do one more thing get all my test results from the heart specialist and that appointment is this coming Monday. I'm so excited and have been through hell and back with going to all these appointments . I did speak with my primary doctor and he said I should get approved without a doubt do to all the medical issues and my BMI being over 40.I have the lap band in my policy and I just hope all goes well .I should hear from Aetna in about a month after all my paper work is handed in . I'm really hoping that this coming year will be the new and improved me coming out . I wish the best to everyone who is going through or who has gone through it already. Thanks for giving me the push to do this ,I didnt want to seem to bossy with the office asst.I just feel I've waited 23 years now as it is ,and I deserve to be happy nothing will get in my way have a Great Day

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