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Off the wagon...

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I fell off the wagon…..Ok it was more a jump….or leap. Yeah, Leap would probably cover it. I know that I shouldn’t have, but I did. I have been having a hard time getting in even 900 calories. Of course the monster I fight (obesity) tells me….well I have been so low on calories it won’t hurt. One time. One meal. I’ll write it down and figure it in. I don’t have a fill yet. It will be okay. After almost a month with no bread, pasta, potatoes or rice I ate pizza. I feel like crap. My chest hurts because I ate too much. I wish I could rewind. I am so happy that I can start over right now. I can’t think about what this has done to the scale. I won’t think about it. Yeah…..maybe that was a little too Scarlet O’hara. Sorry I am feeling a bit dramatic. I almost want to puke, but I don’t want to take the chance of hurting my band.

HA! That is almost funny. If I didn’t want to hurt my band I wouldn’t have eaten pizza.

I ‘ll tell you what really got me started. I stepped on the scale yesterday and I had lost a total of 26 lbs. I was on cloud nine. It was the first time I had been in that area for about 2 years. Today the scale gave me back 3 lbs. I was tired, sore and frustrated. It isn’t a good excuse to do that.

I won’t step on the scale until Monday. I need to stay off of the scale except once a week. I have that compulsion to weigh everyday. Now that I have the Wii Fit (I just got it yesterday!!!) I even have another excuse to weigh. I’ve got to stop that.!

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I fell off the wagon…..Ok it was more a jump….or leap. Yeah, Leap would probably cover it. I know that I shouldn’t have, but I did. I have been having a hard time getting in even 900 calories. Of course the monster I fight (obesity) tells me….well I have been so low on calories it won’t hurt. One time. One meal. I’ll write it down and figure it in. I don’t have a fill yet. It will be okay. After almost a month with no bread, pasta, potatoes or rice I ate pizza. I feel like crap. My chest hurts because I ate too much. I wish I could rewind. I am so happy that I can start over right now. I can’t think about what this has done to the scale. I won’t think about it. Yeah…..maybe that was a little too Scarlet O’hara. Sorry I am feeling a bit dramatic. I almost want to puke, but I don’t want to take the chance of hurting my band.

HA! That is almost funny. If I didn’t want to hurt my band I wouldn’t have eaten pizza.

I ‘ll tell you what really got me started. I stepped on the scale yesterday and I had lost a total of 26 lbs. I was on cloud nine. It was the first time I had been in that area for about 2 years. Today the scale gave me back 3 lbs. I was tired, sore and frustrated. It isn’t a good excuse to do that.

I won’t step on the scale until Monday. I need to stay off of the scale except once a week. I have that compulsion to weigh everyday. Now that I have the Wii Fit (I just got it yesterday!!!) I even have another excuse to weigh. I’ve got to stop that.!

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the secret is when you fall off the wagon, dont fall into the cycle! this is the most worthwhile thing i learned from weight watchers... if you continue to focus on the fact that you fell off, you will make yourself upset and these feeling will make you want to eat something "off the wagon" again... thats why most people have a hard time sticking to a diet..FORGIVE YOURSELF and keep going! you've come a long way!!!

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Chalk it up to a learning experience. If this is effective in preventing the same thing from happening the next time the monster rears its ugly head, then it was not a waste. It's good that you documented it here to help remind yours (and others!). Don't kick yourself too bad Scarlett (I loved that!).

You have a great sense of humor. I'm sure you'll dust yourself off and get right back with the program. (BTW, thank you so much for the very kind comments you left on my blog. I really appreciate it.) Carly

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omg if I had a dollar for every time I "fell off the wagon" I would have enough money to bail the country out of the recession. The important thing is your reaction to the fall. Stay positive. Deal with just today. :mad2:

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Hi Julie or do you prefer Julie ann? I don't worry about what the scale says from day to day, although I looove to use it 2x a day or more,lol. Yesterday I weighed a pound lighter in the morning than later that night and this morning I lost that pound again, umm...after I peed?I do however, try to weigh once a week and use that as my real tool for what has happened in the last week. But I know the real test is what I have eaten and how much exercise I put in. If these 2 things are in check, the scale will eventually be also. Pat yourself on the back for the weight you "got rid of"! Best of luck to you.

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omg, i weigh myself everyday also. i said to myself i have to stop doing that. my real weigh day is wednesdays. do u like the wii fit?

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I love my wii fit and I still weigh every day I think it keep me accountable for what I put in my mouth. I know at 10:00 at night that I am going to have to step on the scale in the morning and if I eat something before bed when I am not hungry I WILL regret it!

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