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The madness continues.....

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So Yes I know I've been MIA to my blog, but I've been in limbo with getting my Shiz together. So here is an update/overview of what has happened since my last blog. I went to the Shrink and Dietician! Lets go over the Dietician - She said my eating is good! Ya that's cuz I'm on Phentromine (sp?), so I'm not craving any crap! But she gave me the thumbs up and said I think you will be just fine, but I must follow the guidlines and what not. So that was one down 1 more to go (ALL ON THE SAME DAY BY THE WAY). So my visit with her was over and I had about 40 min gap to get the Shrinks office. I had my girls with me and they poor babies were up since the butt crack of dawn and were like can we get Burger King I'm like sure so we did. Not very good for me but I ate a Jr whopper no cheese no mayo! Then off we were to the Shrink APT where I did a million Question test actually 2. Took me three hours YES still had my babies with me! They were such good girls. Anyway so he said we need to meet again to go over test and talk ok so we made an APT for the follow Saturday which was OCT 11. Well we talked and it all went good he said well you are sensitive so if the surgery takes 6 weeks to heal it will take you 8 weeks. But other then that Your great canditit GREAT!!! I felt so happy to hear that. So he says it will take me a couple of weeks to get the letter together and the Dr. Rantis My insides reaction was WTF can't you do it now and hand it to me! Nope instead I have to pay him my $25 co-pay and wait it out. So Wed YEs this WED 1.5 weeks later the Kane Center chic e-mails me just need the Shrink Clearance letter can you call him to see if he can fax it over! I'm like Cr@p ok I call him were getting close to the 2 week mark what the heck. So I left him a message at 7AM YES I SURE DID lol I start work at 7AM and saw the E-mail saying call and get that letter faxed I was on it like no ones business lol. So he calls me back last night at about 10PM YES he said sorry for calling so late but I just know you want an answer. YES I SURE DO!!!!!!!! He said I'll get it over to them tomorrow afternoon latest Saturday afternoon. He was still working on it. UM how long does it take to say Ya she's not a nut case HELLO! IS this a test! LOL ok well my patients I've been praying for has def been put to good use. SOOOOO the waiting game begins. Am I APPROVED yet oh they haven't sent them in YET!!!!!!!! COME ON SEND IT IN ALREADY, I'm off the Phentromine for a week now and have gained a whopping 10 LBS :confused:.... I so need this BAND~

Ok I'll keep you updated on what happens...:tt2:

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So Yes I know I've been MIA to my blog, but I've been in limbo with getting my Shiz together. So here is an update/overview of what has happened since my last blog. I went to the Shrink and Dietician! Lets go over the Dietician - She said my eating is good! Ya that's cuz I'm on Phentromine (sp?), so I'm not craving any crap! But she gave me the thumbs up and said I think you will be just fine, but I must follow the guidlines and what not. So that was one down 1 more to go (ALL ON THE SAME DAY BY THE WAY). So my visit with her was over and I had about 40 min gap to get the Shrinks office. I had my girls with me and they poor babies were up since the butt crack of dawn and were like can we get Burger King I'm like sure so we did. Not very good for me but I ate a Jr whopper no cheese no mayo! Then off we were to the Shrink APT where I did a million Question test actually 2. Took me three hours YES still had my babies with me! They were such good girls. Anyway so he said we need to meet again to go over test and talk ok so we made an APT for the follow Saturday which was OCT 11. Well we talked and it all went good he said well you are sensitive so if the surgery takes 6 weeks to heal it will take you 8 weeks. But other then that Your great canditit GREAT!!! I felt so happy to hear that. So he says it will take me a couple of weeks to get the letter together and the Dr. Rantis My insides reaction was WTF can't you do it now and hand it to me! Nope instead I have to pay him my $25 co-pay and wait it out. So Wed YEs this WED 1.5 weeks later the Kane Center chic e-mails me just need the Shrink Clearance letter can you call him to see if he can fax it over! I'm like Cr@p ok I call him were getting close to the 2 week mark what the heck. So I left him a message at 7AM YES I SURE DID lol I start work at 7AM and saw the E-mail saying call and get that letter faxed I was on it like no ones business lol. So he calls me back last night at about 10PM YES he said sorry for calling so late but I just know you want an answer. YES I SURE DO!!!!!!!! He said I'll get it over to them tomorrow afternoon latest Saturday afternoon. He was still working on it. UM how long does it take to say Ya she's not a nut case HELLO! IS this a test! LOL ok well my patients I've been praying for has def been put to good use. SOOOOO the waiting game begins. Am I APPROVED yet oh they haven't sent them in YET!!!!!!!! COME ON SEND IT IN ALREADY, I'm off the Phentromine for a week now and have gained a whopping 10 LBS :mad2:.... I so need this BAND~

Ok I'll keep you updated on what happens...:wub:

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