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starving and surgery is finally here

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goodbye overweight


Tomorrow at 6am i will be banded and i am very excited,a little anxious but still hopeful.this has been a long journey just to get to this point.I am happy it is finally here. I didn't do well om the liquid diet pre op. Do anyone have any suggestions to share? I really need help.:eek:

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Tomorrow at 6am i will be banded and i am very excited,a little anxious but still hopeful.this has been a long journey just to get to this point.I am happy it is finally here. I didn't do well om the liquid diet pre op. Do anyone have any suggestions to share? I really need help.:)

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hi i hope all goes well for you i'm not banded yet soon i hope i don't even know if i have to get on a liquid diet how long were you on it?

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2 weeks on the liquid diet and now i'm pre-op 4 days and it has been rough.I'm having problems with taking all these vitamin and breaking up my pills to take. i had no ideas as far as the liquid diet so it's been rough.on the up side i have lost 10 pounds in 4 days.You will find out when you go to your first visit with the doctor, the purpose it to shrink the liver.Hope everything go well and i will be here if you have any questions.

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How much are you drinking? I never drink as much as I should but I didn't find the 2 weeks pre Op Optifast TOO bad .. I had three Opti's a day and vegies at night and then water or diet cordial during the day (often) and I had sugar free lollies and chewing gum to eat at work .. hang in there it is SO worth it ..

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My surgeon said THANKS to me also for being good on the pre op diet! He said my liver was great and it really helped him .. so I felt good about that .. also I got CoLOUr PhOtOs of my operation .. did anyone else get that?

I have pictures of the band inside me .. I can see my liver and spleen and heart .. WHAT A TRIPPY thing that was to see !!

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