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I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids and over 100 Polyps removed in March 05. My GYN is great and wanted to do the hysterectomy, but Blue Cross Blue Shield has these "rules" they have to go by, since so many unnecessary ones are done each year - personally it's BS, and they are just trying to save money.


Basically with the Adenomyosis and Fibroids, I look like I am 6 or 7 months pregnant all the time. Even though I had surgery, these conditions/diseases are persistent and keep returning.


I shudder at the thought of going back on hormones - talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde - wow I'm lucky I could stand to be around myself! After 3 months, I threw them all down the toilet and told them never again.


From the Mayo Clinic (all links here are from Mayo Clinic):


If your pain is severe and menopause is years away, your doctor may suggest removing your uterus (hysterectomy). Removing your ovaries isn't necessary to control adenomyosis.


For younger women with presumed adenomyosis who wish to preserve their fertility, in rare cases it might be possible to surgically remove (excise) only the area in your uterus affected by adenomyosis.


However, this treatment approach is limited to removing adenomyosis that is contained in one area of the uterus and won't work to resolve adenomyosis that is diffusely spread throughout the uterus



clear.gifSigns and symptoms


Among some women, adenomyosis is "silent" — causing no signs or symptoms — or only mildly uncomfortable. But other women with adenomyosis may experience:

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding; heavy or prolonged
  • Severe cramping or sharp, knife-like pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea)
  • Menstrual cramps that last throughout your period and worsen as you get older
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Passing blood clots during your period

Your uterus may increase to double or triple its normal size. Although you might not know if your uterus is enlarged, you may notice that your lower abdomen seems bigger or feels tender.


Forward to 2011 - my symptoms and pain have worsened to the breaking point - my gyn and insurance approved a total hysterectomy due to major changes in my ovaries and fallopian tubes; plus worsening of the other female organs...Now I'm closer to menopause I can't emotionally go through with having it done.

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Guest MoOrLess


Hi - just read your latest entry -- I, too, have endometriosis -- I had a hysterectomy at the age of 40 -- for myself - it was the best thing I ever did - I was almost hemorraging (sp?) each month and I don't miss it one bit - one month after surgery I started on Premarin -- NO night sweats, etc. -- and now due to diabetes I use the Premarin PATCH -- I love it - change it once a week and go! Something to consider if you decide to have the surgery. I don't know how old you are - and I understand for those who want children it is a difficult thing having endo. My daughter was diagnosed with it at the very tender age of 21 - she is now 25 - has had one outpatient surgery and has some troubles but otherwise is doing well - our doctor said she might need surgery again before trying to conceive when she wants children. Tough decisions -- you're welcome to write me any time - best wishes! Mo

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Thanks Mo :biggrin: I'm 39 and have 2 grown children and 2 small children. I really wanted a hysterectomy last year - but BCBS' guidelines have changed and they require a patient to explore all possiblities before having one - unless you have cancer.

No one could even stand to be around me for those 3-4 months I was on hormones - I tried 5 different meds and they made the bleeding 10 times worse to where I was passing out daily.

I called my GYN and he was going to put me on yet another medicine and I said NO WAY! I will come back to you when I am sane again - well I still haven't gotten sane so I didn't go back heheheh

If the lifestyle change and band does not get rid of my symptoms, I am going to switch GYN's and go forward with a hysterectomy. The worst problem I have is with the Adenomyosis - too personal to put here lol but believe me I went from a normal active woman to where my husband stays away from me because of the pain he sees me in.

I can say that exercise has helped some and my PCP switched me to Celebrex 24 hr time release, which has worked wonders to help with inflammation and pain.

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