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Down 68lbs in 10 weeks

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It has surely slowed down i am earning every pound. my body is fighting me every step of the way. it seems like the harder i work out the less i lose.


I dont know if i am eating enough, exercisiing to much or what. i went on liquids only last week and cheated a couple times at lunch time eating real food.. and i lost 4 lbs..go figure.


All i gotta say today is keep going...what doesnt kill us makes us stronger right....

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It has surely slowed down i am earning every pound. my body is fighting me every step of the way. it seems like the harder i work out the less i lose.

I dont know if i am eating enough, exercisiing to much or what. i went on liquids only last week and cheated a couple times at lunch time eating real food.. and i lost 4 lbs..go figure.

All i gotta say today is keep going...what doesnt kill us makes us stronger right....

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Sounds to me like your doing wonderful! It took me about 5 months to lose 68 lbs and I started with a BMI of 53 on this journey. Are you post op? If you are post op then you might consider a fill...check in with a dietitian to make sure your getting enough calories but not too many. Make sure it is high protein and low or no sugar...but like I said 68lbs in 10 weeks is phenominal with a lap band. You should be so proud!

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Thanks BJ, I have checked in with the nutrionist and she says im fine with the calories. I go for my third fill next week so we'll see if that helps. i think my body is just trying to recover from how quickly i have lost this weight.

I am going to change up my exercise routine a bit and see if that helps. i was thinking about getting a pair of rollerblades...thats different for me. i would be using some different muscles.

I let you know how that works out for me..stay tuned

and thanks for the response

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