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20 days post band

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Yesterday was a bad day. I decided to try eating a tuna salad sandwich for the first time. Bad news! I immediately had chest pain and it lingered for 8 hours!!! Today I'm back on mushies. I guess I can't tolerate bread!

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Yesterday was a bad day. I decided to try eating a tuna salad sandwich for the first time. Bad news! I immediately had chest pain and it lingered for 8 hours!!! Today I'm back on mushies. I guess I can't tolerate bread!

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I was banded on 9/4/08 And I have to admit I should be on my shakes and jello mushy foods now, And I have cheated with some sugar free cookies, and a pita chip I thought I was having a heart attack the pressure was miserable.. I get very angry at myself when I do that... Then I tell myself to start over.. So tomorrow I am starting over on being good.. Maybe later you can it's still early.. Right?

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I know how that hurts! I've been banded for 2 years now and some foods still don't go through the band very well. Same with my husband. He's been banded for over 3 1/2 years and has lost 150 pounds! I've only lost around 70, but its still coming off. I find that some days I can eat some bread, but other days, nothing. My hubby can't eat bread at all. Do you have trouble with chicken as well? That seems to be a problem food for us too, as well as some pastas. Just keep experimenting. It will get better.

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