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At last!!!!!

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Well, it has finally happened...I have less than 100 pounds to lose until I am at my doc's "ideal" weight goal for me!!! I am completely ecstatic!! It will be 15 weeks on 9/10/8 and so far, I have lost 84 pounds!!!


This is, by far, the best decision I have made in my life!!!


If anyone out there is sitting on the fence, especially if you have health issues, seriously consider getting this done!! It has saved my life. My diabetes is basically gone, my sleep apnea is gone and I no longer hurt like I was tied to a whipping post at the end of every day.


I will not mislead anyone...it takes more than "work", it takes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MINDSET!!! You have to let your past life go...forget your diet history, your bad habits and previous failures!! Focus on your new life...one filled with health and fun. Don't think of being on a diet ever again--but make wise food choices.


In all honesty, food holds no joy for me anymore...and I love it. My biggest fear was giving up this comfort blanket that I had so desperately clung to all of my life. But after several physically uncomfortable meals, I have let it go!!!


So, everybody out there--good luck!! I mean it sincerely...stay focused and remember that you have life waiting for you out there!!!



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Well, it has finally happened...I have less than 100 pounds to lose until I am at my doc's "ideal" weight goal for me!!! I am completely ecstatic!! It will be 15 weeks on 9/10/8 and so far, I have lost 84 pounds!!!

This is, by far, the best decision I have made in my life!!!

If anyone out there is sitting on the fence, especially if you have health issues, seriously consider getting this done!! It has saved my life. My diabetes is basically gone, my sleep apnea is gone and I no longer hurt like I was tied to a whipping post at the end of every day.

I will not mislead anyone...it takes more than "work", it takes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MINDSET!!! You have to let your past life go...forget your diet history, your bad habits and previous failures!! Focus on your new life...one filled with health and fun. Don't think of being on a diet ever again--but make wise food choices.

In all honesty, food holds no joy for me anymore...and I love it. My biggest fear was giving up this comfort blanket that I had so desperately clung to all of my life. But after several physically uncomfortable meals, I have let it go!!!

So, everybody out there--good luck!! I mean it sincerely...stay focused and remember that you have life waiting for you out there!!!


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Thanks, I'm one of those sitting on the post, but I have see the doctor's nutritionist. In fact, I see her again tomorrow. I'm scared of failure, but desperate too.

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