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Never Underestimate Your Spouse!

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Over this weekend my hubby and I were discussing things. I've never really went into detail about my feelings about my weight and how I look. I mean I know I am a beautiful woman and my weight doesn't determine my worth but sometimes those feelings do creep in on me. Yesterday morning I finally broke down and told my husband everything that is going on in my head. Everything about having the surgery and how I feel about my weight. I'll admit it to everyone...I'm scared! I'm scared about having the surgery and even more than that what will happen to me if I don't. I know I have a twisted relationship with food and I'm still a work in progress about that. As I was sitting there bawling my eyes out he held me and told me it will be okay. That I'm taking the steps to get my weight in check and keep it there. I told him that I know the benefits of having the surgery far outweigh any fears I may have about the surgery itself. I do ask myself "Will I be able to handle the restrictions on my food intake?" "Will I be able to stick with the diet for the rest of my life?". These are questions that go through my head everyday. I told him my deepest fear was that I won't be able to do normal things with my kids and my children mean the world to me. I know I should have said all this stuff to him before. I guess I just thought he wouldn't understand because he has never had a weight problem. He actually understood and even comforted me. He reaffirmed that he would be there for me to help me with anything I needed. I didn't think it was possible but I love him more for that.

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Over this weekend my hubby and I were discussing things. I've never really went into detail about my feelings about my weight and how I look. I mean I know I am a beautiful woman and my weight doesn't determine my worth but sometimes those feelings do creep in on me. Yesterday morning I finally broke down and told my husband everything that is going on in my head. Everything about having the surgery and how I feel about my weight. I'll admit it to everyone...I'm scared! I'm scared about having the surgery and even more than that what will happen to me if I don't. I know I have a twisted relationship with food and I'm still a work in progress about that. As I was sitting there bawling my eyes out he held me and told me it will be okay. That I'm taking the steps to get my weight in check and keep it there. I told him that I know the benefits of having the surgery far outweigh any fears I may have about the surgery itself. I do ask myself "Will I be able to handle the restrictions on my food intake?" "Will I be able to stick with the diet for the rest of my life?". These are questions that go through my head everyday. I told him my deepest fear was that I won't be able to do normal things with my kids and my children mean the world to me. I know I should have said all this stuff to him before. I guess I just thought he wouldn't understand because he has never had a weight problem. He actually understood and even comforted me. He reaffirmed that he would be there for me to help me with anything I needed. I didn't think it was possible but I love him more for that.

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What a great story!! And a great guy!!!

Regarding your food fears. I to thought that I would 'miss' food and that I would always be on a diet. You're mindset will change. Food will become less important. Trust me. When the band is working correctly (good restriction) you will be eating less and feeling good about it.

The kids are a good reason to go through this change. YOU are a better reason. Everything about you will be better ,therefor your relationships will be better.

Good Luck on your journey.


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You are very lucky to have an understanding spouse. And remember you are doing this so you WILL be able to do normal things with your kids! I am really looking forward to my ass fitting on a slide! :thumbup:

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I know how you feel. I can't wait to fit in chairs and not have to worry about my ass getting stuck as I attempt to get up. LOL

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