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Liquid Diet Day #3

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I am so proud of myself. :lol: I made it through 4th of July without breaking my liquid diet. I did accidentally lick some BBQ sauce off my fingers when I was serving the kids' food and WOW it tasted good. But I kept to my diet and I'm glad.


It was good not to have that "oh, I ate TOO much" feeling like I usually do on holidays. And, I just kept thinking to myself that next year I wouldn't have to worry about sitting in a folding camping chair and worrying it was going to break! :shades_smile:


I hope everyone had a good holiday and got to see some great fireworks!

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I am so proud of myself. :lol: I made it through 4th of July without breaking my liquid diet. I did accidentally lick some BBQ sauce off my fingers when I was serving the kids' food and WOW it tasted good. But I kept to my diet and I'm glad.

It was good not to have that "oh, I ate TOO much" feeling like I usually do on holidays. And, I just kept thinking to myself that next year I wouldn't have to worry about sitting in a folding camping chair and worrying it was going to break! :thumbup:

I hope everyone had a good holiday and got to see some great fireworks!

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Good job! You should be proud of yourself! I day-dreamed about barbecue yesterday, but didn't eat any. Bandsters are stronger than food!

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good for you. it can be a challenge. i was on the liquid phase on my birthday and memorial day this year! it can be tough but so worth it! keep up the good work and be proud of yourself!!

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Great job! I was on a 3wk liquid diet we had a huge party for my daughters graduation and food was everywhere and I could not have any...It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be I am determined to make this work and I have to be strong :thumbup: Best of luck to you

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alright i made it through the fourth of july without killing my diet. i was banded a week in a half ago and i am still only allowed to have full liquids. now i did have a couple of bites of scrambled eggs because i felt awful and needed something to help me stop shaking and my protein shake just was not cutting it. it was very hard this weekend cuz i was with my family at the lake of the ozarks and it was my husbands birthday. can you say bbq and cake and ice cream. oh man the bbq smelled so good. but the weekend is over and i get my first fill on thursday and i am so excited to be able to eat soft foods!!! hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend!!! if anyone has any advice b/c i am not losing weight and i have been drinking my shakes and walking on the tread mill (1-2miles). and i have only lost a few pounds and it will be two weeks on tuesday. before i had my surgery i lost 30lbs. what is the deal???

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