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Cardioligist says

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Well I finally managed to get in and see my cardiologist and boy am I NOT happy. Why? Abnonrmal ECG he didn't exactly say what was abnormal about it but he now wants a heart cath done.


BUT there are problems with that.


Because of my large belly they can't go in through the groin, (BUT he did say something about the possibility of having my belly removed? Have to see where that goes) So they will go in under the arm.


We sat for a extra hour while the nurses played phone & fax tag. Since I had M.R.S.A before they wanted to get ahold of the records from 2002 saying I was cleared from it. But that wasn't possible. So tomorow I have to go and get a nasal swab done to be sure. Only when that comes back can they actually schedual the heart cath. Since its a culture test it will be 72 hours before they get back anything.


The doc wants more testing but he says at my size most of the tests can't tell him much. One of the reasons he said something about getting my large stomach removed. He was pleased that I want to get the band and mentioned possibly having both done at the same time. But he had to see just what was goin on with my heart first. Also durring the cath they will be doing some imaginging.

I also start the patch for quitting smooking too soon so life sounds like its gonna be a trip for a bit next week. Gotta take a 30-45 minute drive to the center where they want to do the cath at. I REALLY hate driving into Indianapolis. Seems the older I get the more nervious I get riding in the car, interstate/city driving utterly freaks me out anymore.


FINALLY got a accurate weight though. 6-months ago I was 440 today was 424. So there has been some loss. Just not as much as I would have liked. But I now also know of place I can go to get weighed durring daytime office hours if I need to, another office in the cardiologist building has a full blown wheelchair type scale.


Dad is in the hosptial atm we have the same cardio doc. Hes gonna have a cath also and possible stent replacement. In the morning. He started having chest pain last night. He is 82 now and had several caths. Doc was trying to warn me that dad is increasingly more negative and vocalized to him that he was ready to be done with life. I told the doc yea I knew he had started talking like that 2+ years ago right before they had to put him in the nursing home. At the time we were living with him but he refused to follow his doctors orders and refused to let me help him with much. He was already talking like that then. So for really close family this is nothing new. But I could tell the doc was spooked by it. He really does care about his patients.


So thats it. I now have 2 docs that care (FINALLY) And want to help me improve my health so only good can come from that.

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Well I finally managed to get in and see my cardiologist and boy am I NOT happy. Why? Abnonrmal ECG he didn't exactly say what was abnormal about it but he now wants a heart cath done.

BUT there are problems with that.

Because of my large belly they can't go in through the groin, (BUT he did say something about the possibility of having my belly removed? Have to see where that goes) So they will go in under the arm.

We sat for a extra hour while the nurses played phone & fax tag. Since I had M.R.S.A before they wanted to get ahold of the records from 2002 saying I was cleared from it. But that wasn't possible. So tomorow I have to go and get a nasal swab done to be sure. Only when that comes back can they actually schedual the heart cath. Since its a culture test it will be 72 hours before they get back anything.

The doc wants more testing but he says at my size most of the tests can't tell him much. One of the reasons he said something about getting my large stomach removed. He was pleased that I want to get the band and mentioned possibly having both done at the same time. But he had to see just what was goin on with my heart first. Also durring the cath they will be doing some imaginging.

I also start the patch for quitting smooking too soon so life sounds like its gonna be a trip for a bit next week. Gotta take a 30-45 minute drive to the center where they want to do the cath at. I REALLY hate driving into Indianapolis. Seems the older I get the more nervious I get riding in the car, interstate/city driving utterly freaks me out anymore.

FINALLY got a accurate weight though. 6-months ago I was 440 today was 424. So there has been some loss. Just not as much as I would have liked. But I now also know of place I can go to get weighed durring daytime office hours if I need to, another office in the cardiologist building has a full blown wheelchair type scale.

Dad is in the hosptial atm we have the same cardio doc. Hes gonna have a cath also and possible stent replacement. In the morning. He started having chest pain last night. He is 82 now and had several caths. Doc was trying to warn me that dad is increasingly more negative and vocalized to him that he was ready to be done with life. I told the doc yea I knew he had started talking like that 2+ years ago right before they had to put him in the nursing home. At the time we were living with him but he refused to follow his doctors orders and refused to let me help him with much. He was already talking like that then. So for really close family this is nothing new. But I could tell the doc was spooked by it. He really does care about his patients.

So thats it. I now have 2 docs that care (FINALLY) And want to help me improve my health so only good can come from that.

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Telecia, it must

be really frustrating to have this setback. But congratulations on hanging in there and getting things done. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, and hope that things go really well for both of you.

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