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Pre op Labs

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Hi Guys,

Can someone tell me about platelets?? I had my pre op labs done and my platelets came back a little elevated, so the surgeon wants them repeated before I have my surgery on 6/26/08. I have been worried that he will cancel my surgery. I would be devastated if my surgery was cancel especially everything I've gone through to get it approved. So I'm hoping that everything is ok. Will keep you posted


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Hi Guys,

Can someone tell me about platelets?? I had my pre op labs done and my platelets came back a little elevated, so the surgeon wants them repeated before I have my surgery on 6/26/08. I have been worried that he will cancel my surgery. I would be devastated if my surgery was cancel especially everything I've gone through to get it approved. So I'm hoping that everything is ok. Will keep you posted


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Don't worry my platelets are always sky high I am talking about in the 567 range and they are only suppose to be aroound 450 or a little lower. I have been tested for many different things but my high platelets are from my not so normal periods I use to be so irregular that I would go six months without one. I am a phlebotomist and the only thing I can think of off the top of my head your Dr. would be concerned about is you having clots after surgery. Just ask him what his concerns are and get him to explain it real good to you. I don't know how the other hospitals do but at my hospital anyone who is having surgery get a blood thinner shot before surgery just as a prevention measure. Again I say check with your Dr. Good luck and be blessed on the day of your surgery.

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