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My so called friend

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A friend of mine and I were chatting online this morning. Now this is a lady that know's my ongoing battle with losing weight. I told her about the LapBand and how I'm going through the steps to have the surgery. Here I am thinking she'll be supportive or even excited that I'm doing this for my own good she basically shot me down for it. She talked about how I don't need to do it that I'm young and can get the weight off. She told me that she recently lost weight and that I could do it to. I know I can lose weight. I want to lose weight. That's what I'm doing now and why I want to have the lap band. I wasn't looking for her to be jumping up and down and be excited for me. I just was looking for a little support in my journey. She even had the gaul to ask me if my husband knew. As if I wouldn't tell him. I realize she has reservations about it and I bet a few others I've told also have it but they all are supporting me in it because they realize that ultimately it's my decision and they love me and want me to be healthy. Why can't she see it. I'm seriously thinking she was happy with me the way I am because I'm her "fat" friend that no body looks at. I'm not that person anymore. I'm finally taking control of my weight instead of letting it control me. I know this one person shouldn't get me all riled up but I can't help it. Thankfully I've got people in my life that support my decision and wish me luck in losing this weight forever. Our relationship has been strained due to previous issues on her part but here I am just wanting a little support and now I see I can't count on that from her. I can't even vent to her when things get rough because I know I'll get nothing but "I told you so". :thumbup: She really pissed me off and put in a bad mood. Why does it seem that all anybody can think of is the bad part of having it done like it's some sort of taboo of having WLS. It's here to help people to get healthy. I want what everybody else wants out of life but don't fault me because WLS will help me accomplish it.

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A friend of mine and I were chatting online this morning. Now this is a lady that know's my ongoing battle with losing weight. I told her about the LapBand and how I'm going through the steps to have the surgery. Here I am thinking she'll be supportive or even excited that I'm doing this for my own good she basically shot me down for it. She talked about how I don't need to do it that I'm young and can get the weight off. She told me that she recently lost weight and that I could do it to. I know I can lose weight. I want to lose weight. That's what I'm doing now and why I want to have the lap band. I wasn't looking for her to be jumping up and down and be excited for me. I just was looking for a little support in my journey. She even had the gaul to ask me if my husband knew. As if I wouldn't tell him. I realize she has reservations about it and I bet a few others I've told also have it but they all are supporting me in it because they realize that ultimately it's my decision and they love me and want me to be healthy. Why can't she see it. I'm seriously thinking she was happy with me the way I am because I'm her "fat" friend that no body looks at. I'm not that person anymore. I'm finally taking control of my weight instead of letting it control me. I know this one person shouldn't get me all riled up but I can't help it. Thankfully I've got people in my life that support my decision and wish me luck in losing this weight forever. Our relationship has been strained due to previous issues on her part but here I am just wanting a little support and now I see I can't count on that from her. I can't even vent to her when things get rough because I know I'll get nothing but "I told you so". :cool: She really pissed me off and put in a bad mood. Why does it seem that all anybody can think of is the bad part of having it done like it's some sort of taboo of having WLS. It's here to help people to get healthy. I want what everybody else wants out of life but don't fault me because WLS will help me accomplish it.

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Ok I also have af ew people in my life that are like your friend, however in my case they are related to me. I have choosen no to tell them about it. The two that I did mentioned it to just acted like if they didn't hear me it wasn't going to happen. Then again these are the same people that told me after I lost my first baby that if I didn't rest I would have a relapse. ??? Ok I'll get to my point, maybe she just needs afew days to process this information. I know when the doctor first told me aobut it it was a shock to me. However, if she truely can't support you then make time for her when you want to and come here for the support that we can give you. I love this web site because of the lack of suppoert that I get in my off line life. Lots of luck to you. How far in the process are you? I have seminar tomorrow and surgeon appointment on Monday. Hoping to be an email buddy, SC

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I have my first appointment with my surgeon on July 11th. I'm really excited about. As for my friend. I'm not putting any stock into what she's saying right now. Now if she is curious as to what I'm going to be going through then I'd be more than happy to support her. I've decided to give her some time and see if she comes to me for answers. I'm definitely not running to her for support.

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I am glad to hear that you have an appointment with the surgeon. I go on monday 23rd for my first appointment with the surgeon. I'm not srue what to expect, but am ready to start putting the blocks in order. I went to a seminar this morning and it was not much more information than what I have gotten from the web site, except that he had a band that we all passed around and fiddled with. My girls went and they asked a question or two also. I'll keep checking in on your. SC

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