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Yea yea I know I rarely post in this blog but I've decided I'm gonna be better about doing it more.

Thing is im getting down about the whole lapband thing. I want it so badly But everything has gone against it so far.

See my insurance Indiana Medicaide assigned me to a doctor 2 years ago. It's the doctor who runs the city clinic. So thats where I have been going for the last 2 years. At first I loved it!! the doctor I saw my first 4-5 visits was awesome!! He listened to my concerns, was helpfull in helping me obtain what I needed at the time and genuinely cared.


But then suddenly he was gone. And since it has been a different person evertime I have an appointment. 2-3 months will go by and theres another switch in doctors. MOST make you feel like your on a conveyer belt. They are plenty quick to refill my longterm perscriptions, but don't want to change anything. Ignore many of my concerns. I have even been blatently been told that since my appointment was down for a med refill they WOULDN'T address anyother concerns. heck they can't even get my med refills right. And they have a no phone policy where they won't handle anything over the phone. Thankfully my pharmacist has been persistent enough to get them to fix the messed up med refill percriptions. But not without a huge week or so long hassle.

The most recent line of doctors will not address my sleep apnea, I'm having nosebleeds and infections because I don't have a humidifier. The last one even had the nerve after telling her I had Already tried humidifying my bedroom to the point of having wet walls once. That all I needed to do was run a humidifier. :thumbup:

They will perscribe 4-5 different things for inflamation of my knees but refuse to try to do anything about debilitating back pain, my sleep apnea or the fact that I am suposed to be on meds for my thyroid.

First time I brought up the lap band the lady I saw that day was postive about it and thought the idea was great. But didn't make the referal I need to go see the surgeon for a assessment. So next visit I asked and got told I was stupid for wanting a surgery to lose weight. :crying: She would not approve it.


I'n march I was seen in the ER for chest pain. Was in ICU for a day cause they figured I would need a heart cath. Turns out the cardioligist said no it can be fixed with meds. But there WAS a change in my ekg's he was concerned about. Gave me 3 new perscriptions, 2 pills and nitro patch.


So I now have a cardio I am suposed to be seeing regularly. But the clinic WON'T supply or return calls for the referal # I need so insurance will pay for the visits. And I don't have 300$ (Cause they do egk and other tests sometimes durring the office visits) to pay for the appointments. :confused2:


Anyhow after explaining the whole thing to the cardios office manager she said they would keep trying and that I should call my insurance case worker. I get a letter in the mail that in 2 days I will be Without a doctor cause they are dropping my insurance carrier!?!? WTF?!? how can a clinic for people who have little or no insurance stop taking medicaid?!? I suspect thats a made up line. Especially since we drove by there last night and theres a sign saying medicaid/medicare welcome. Also my brother law goes there and hes on medicaid too.


Anyhow my boyfriend recently started seeing a doctor here in town that he really likes. And He hasn't met his medicaid quota yet!! Yea!!

So I make the call to get it changed over. State says it takes 3-5 buisness days so I wait 5 days and call them. Nope not changed over in the computer yet. that they only do the changes on the 1st and 15th of the month. Call back on the 2nd.


WTF?!?! we can buy things online, do banking, transfer funds and all sorts of other things online now that take a blink of the eye almost to do. Why does it take 15 days to show a change in the computer!?!?!


So I'm waiting. here it is the 6th and because my daughter had surgery 2 days ago. My nephew just had a baby, our van had serious mechanical problems. A broken toe. And my screwed up sleep schedual I now have to wait till monday to call the dr's office again to see if the changes have been made. AND maybe get an appointment made.


So that's where I am at with the whole band thing. I don't know yet if the new doctor will help with it or not. Even if he won't I gotta have a real doctor. and seeing all the tests/referalls my boyfriend has from him so far. At least I know hes the type that wan't to get to the bottom of things. He even ordered a couple of tests that my BF didn't really need yet but he wanted to know the data.


So I'm depressed about the whole thing. Having trouble sleeping lately. My #'s are good for my sleep apnea AHI 2.9 so It's not that. But I either sleep for 5 hours and can't sleep anymore, can't get to sleep in the first place.. Or sleep for a 14 hour stretch. (when I take Melatonin to get to sleep).


Worried about my daughter. She had her tonsils/adinoids removed on wensday. So I'm watching her closely. She's doing great though so I shouldn't be so worried. But shes had a couple of minor freak out moments. lol

like the first time she looked at her throat. its all yellow. Where they lazered it all out. then was an episode of black stools. Which was to be expected but if it happens again gotta call the doc. minor small spells of dizzyness or nausea. Having to be on a mushy diet is frustrating her. lol For me I think its good practice. Todays freak out moment was when she realized her uvula(sp?) Was twice it's normal size.


We had a leak of our furnace/AC the other day and maitenence left a blower in our hallway to help dry out the carpet. I hit it wensday and I think my middle toe is broke at least its seriously bruised. It not really painfull so It may not be broke. But it looks bad. And I can still move it. So last night I bought myself a new pair of slippers. Being dibetic I knew I should't run around in my socks but I did it anyhow.

I can't wear typical womens slip on backless slippers. They seem to scrunch my toes. And get painfull, despite the fact I keep my nails trimmed well. so I gave my old pairs to my daughter. Got a pair that look like mocasins but are soft material with nice real rubber soles.


Another thing i gotta do monday is start seeing a podiatrist. Just about all shoes hurt me anymore. In some way. And I can't afford to be buying shoes over and over. Besides maybe there could be something more to help with the neuropathy I have. Have to see.

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Yea yea I know I rarely post in this blog but I've decided I'm gonna be better about doing it more.

Thing is im getting down about the whole lapband thing. I want it so badly But everything has gone against it so far.

See my insurance Indiana Medicaide assigned me to a doctor 2 years ago. It's the doctor who runs the city clinic. So thats where I have been going for the last 2 years. At first I loved it!! the doctor I saw my first 4-5 visits was awesome!! He listened to my concerns, was helpfull in helping me obtain what I needed at the time and genuinely cared.

But then suddenly he was gone. And since it has been a different person evertime I have an appointment. 2-3 months will go by and theres another switch in doctors. MOST make you feel like your on a conveyer belt. They are plenty quick to refill my longterm perscriptions, but don't want to change anything. Ignore many of my concerns. I have even been blatently been told that since my appointment was down for a med refill they WOULDN'T address anyother concerns. heck they can't even get my med refills right. And they have a no phone policy where they won't handle anything over the phone. Thankfully my pharmacist has been persistent enough to get them to fix the messed up med refill percriptions. But not without a huge week or so long hassle.

The most recent line of doctors will not address my sleep apnea, I'm having nosebleeds and infections because I don't have a humidifier. The last one even had the nerve after telling her I had Already tried humidifying my bedroom to the point of having wet walls once. That all I needed to do was run a humidifier. :tt2:

They will perscribe 4-5 different things for inflamation of my knees but refuse to try to do anything about debilitating back pain, my sleep apnea or the fact that I am suposed to be on meds for my thyroid.

First time I brought up the lap band the lady I saw that day was postive about it and thought the idea was great. But didn't make the referal I need to go see the surgeon for a assessment. So next visit I asked and got told I was stupid for wanting a surgery to lose weight. :thumbup: She would not approve it.

I'n march I was seen in the ER for chest pain. Was in ICU for a day cause they figured I would need a heart cath. Turns out the cardioligist said no it can be fixed with meds. But there WAS a change in my ekg's he was concerned about. Gave me 3 new perscriptions, 2 pills and nitro patch.

So I now have a cardio I am suposed to be seeing regularly. But the clinic WON'T supply or return calls for the referal # I need so insurance will pay for the visits. And I don't have 300$ (Cause they do egk and other tests sometimes durring the office visits) to pay for the appointments. :confused2:

Anyhow after explaining the whole thing to the cardios office manager she said they would keep trying and that I should call my insurance case worker. I get a letter in the mail that in 2 days I will be Without a doctor cause they are dropping my insurance carrier!?!? WTF?!? how can a clinic for people who have little or no insurance stop taking medicaid?!? I suspect thats a made up line. Especially since we drove by there last night and theres a sign saying medicaid/medicare welcome. Also my brother law goes there and hes on medicaid too.

Anyhow my boyfriend recently started seeing a doctor here in town that he really likes. And He hasn't met his medicaid quota yet!! Yea!!

So I make the call to get it changed over. State says it takes 3-5 buisness days so I wait 5 days and call them. Nope not changed over in the computer yet. that they only do the changes on the 1st and 15th of the month. Call back on the 2nd.

WTF?!?! we can buy things online, do banking, transfer funds and all sorts of other things online now that take a blink of the eye almost to do. Why does it take 15 days to show a change in the computer!?!?!

So I'm waiting. here it is the 6th and because my daughter had surgery 2 days ago. My nephew just had a baby, our van had serious mechanical problems. A broken toe. And my screwed up sleep schedual I now have to wait till monday to call the dr's office again to see if the changes have been made. AND maybe get an appointment made.

So that's where I am at with the whole band thing. I don't know yet if the new doctor will help with it or not. Even if he won't I gotta have a real doctor. and seeing all the tests/referalls my boyfriend has from him so far. At least I know hes the type that wan't to get to the bottom of things. He even ordered a couple of tests that my BF didn't really need yet but he wanted to know the data.

So I'm depressed about the whole thing. Having trouble sleeping lately. My #'s are good for my sleep apnea AHI 2.9 so It's not that. But I either sleep for 5 hours and can't sleep anymore, can't get to sleep in the first place.. Or sleep for a 14 hour stretch. (when I take Melatonin to get to sleep).

Worried about my daughter. She had her tonsils/adinoids removed on wensday. So I'm watching her closely. She's doing great though so I shouldn't be so worried. But shes had a couple of minor freak out moments. lol

like the first time she looked at her throat. its all yellow. Where they lazered it all out. then was an episode of black stools. Which was to be expected but if it happens again gotta call the doc. minor small spells of dizzyness or nausea. Having to be on a mushy diet is frustrating her. lol For me I think its good practice. Todays freak out moment was when she realized her uvula(sp?) Was twice it's normal size.

We had a leak of our furnace/AC the other day and maitenence left a blower in our hallway to help dry out the carpet. I hit it wensday and I think my middle toe is broke at least its seriously bruised. It not really painfull so It may not be broke. But it looks bad. And I can still move it. So last night I bought myself a new pair of slippers. Being dibetic I knew I should't run around in my socks but I did it anyhow.

I can't wear typical womens slip on backless slippers. They seem to scrunch my toes. And get painfull, despite the fact I keep my nails trimmed well. so I gave my old pairs to my daughter. Got a pair that look like mocasins but are soft material with nice real rubber soles.

Another thing i gotta do monday is start seeing a podiatrist. Just about all shoes hurt me anymore. In some way. And I can't afford to be buying shoes over and over. Besides maybe there could be something more to help with the neuropathy I have. Have to see.

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You have really jumped through some hoops - good Luck with your new Dr., hopefully that will be your last hoop.

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Oh my heavens!! You are really being dragged over the coals!! Honey--I am sooooo sorry for your plight. Have you gone to the media??? You need to go on a hard core letter writing campaign to any and everyone you can!! Newspapers--local and national, bombard the news channels, contact the insurance commissioners, congressmen, etc!! And do NOT be afraid to name people by name!! Trust me, with a little noise--you will see things come to fruition!! You are so in my prayers, please don't give up hope. My journey took over 4 years!! :thumbup:




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i am also diabetic and overweight. my foot doctor prescribed orthotics and they really help with the foot pain. but i also wear crocks as they have an orthotic bed and you can buy them at a lot of places. i get mine at modell's and my feet feel good in them. you might want to try them.

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