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slipped up on liquid diet :(

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ok so it was only this morning that i posted my blog entailing how hard i was finding it on a liquid diet.

i had not slipped for a week on it...until tonight :cursing:

i had a few mouthfulls of mashed potatoe's and i mashed up some weet-bix. they would be fine on the 'mushy' diet, but i am still on liquid.

they went down fine, but i was surprised how i little i could eat!

i havent had my first fill yet, but i still am feeling full after eating less than a quarter of what i use to eat! its crazy! but it's good i guess.

i dont know whether i should continue to cheat a little so i can survive, or discipline myself more and stay on the liquid diet.

its just so hard :thumbup:

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ok so it was only this morning that i posted my blog entailing how hard i was finding it on a liquid diet.

i had not slipped for a week on it...until tonight :thumbs_up:

i had a few mouthfulls of mashed potatoe's and i mashed up some weet-bix. they would be fine on the 'mushy' diet, but i am still on liquid.

they went down fine, but i was surprised how i little i could eat!

i havent had my first fill yet, but i still am feeling full after eating less than a quarter of what i use to eat! its crazy! but it's good i guess.

i dont know whether i should continue to cheat a little so i can survive, or discipline myself more and stay on the liquid diet.

its just so hard :angry:

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Don't Feel bad. I was banded on 05 20 2008 and I been check with mashed potates as well but you are right when you eat you can barely get much down before you feel full. I am gonna eat a little here and there and drink a lot of water and add 15 minutes to the 45 minute exercise rountine that I have started. I feel that it is better for me to eat a little here and there rather that losing it one day to the point where I stuff my self like a pig and then end up damaging my band.

Be blessed

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