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5 days post op

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Ok well my stay in hospital was longer than expected!

I was booked for surgery on the 19th of May, which went ahead fine... however the pain after surgery was a big problem for me.

The surgeon was concerned about the amount of pain I was in and that something was wrong.

So after endless people touching and feeling their way across my unbelievably sore stomach, x-rays and ct scans, they found that there was nothing wrong, however my internal swelling was taking more time than usual to go down... hence the pain staying for longer than it should. I spent 5 days in hospital on morphie and pethadine... NOT a good experience! hopefully it will all pay off in the long run :thumbdown:

This is my 4th day on the fluid's diet and already I am struggling! Not only do i feel the need to chew, but i want normal food! I want to be able to eat! It's driving me insane!

Weightloss wise, Since I commenced the optifast (2 weeks prior to surgery) up to today (5 days post op) I have lost 10kg... a good start I think!

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Ok well my stay in hospital was longer than expected!

I was booked for surgery on the 19th of May, which went ahead fine... however the pain after surgery was a big problem for me.

The surgeon was concerned about the amount of pain I was in and that something was wrong.

So after endless people touching and feeling their way across my unbelievably sore stomach, x-rays and ct scans, they found that there was nothing wrong, however my internal swelling was taking more time than usual to go down... hence the pain staying for longer than it should. I spent 5 days in hospital on morphie and pethadine... NOT a good experience! hopefully it will all pay off in the long run :thumbs_up:

This is my 4th day on the fluid's diet and already I am struggling! Not only do i feel the need to chew, but i want normal food! I want to be able to eat! It's driving me insane!

Weightloss wise, Since I commenced the optifast (2 weeks prior to surgery) up to today (5 days post op) I have lost 10kg... a good start I think!

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