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Hey there.... well it has been almost four months since my lap band op and i have only lost 10lbs.... i lost 1st and 5lbs on the first two weeks and i was over the moon.... :thumbup:


then the 4wks came to my fill n the surgeon coukd not see me.... he finally seen me in april which was alomost 3 months after the op, at this stage i could eat full amounts.... n the weight went back on :cursing:


he only gave me 2cc n sent me on my way.... guess what there was no difference what so ever and i am still waiting for another fill.... i am so upset over all this and think that its unfair... from reading on this site it says not to drink while eating... i was never told this... nor was i told only have liquids for 2 days after the fill :thumbup:


can people here please help me get back on track.... i am so happy that i found this site as there are people out there that i can now talk to....


thanks :smile2:

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Hey there.... well it has been almost four months since my lap band op and i have only lost 10lbs.... i lost 1st and 5lbs on the first two weeks and i was over the moon.... :angry:

then the 4wks came to my fill n the surgeon coukd not see me.... he finally seen me in april which was alomost 3 months after the op, at this stage i could eat full amounts.... n the weight went back on :cursing:

he only gave me 2cc n sent me on my way.... guess what there was no difference what so ever and i am still waiting for another fill.... i am so upset over all this and think that its unfair... from reading on this site it says not to drink while eating... i was never told this... nor was i told only have liquids for 2 days after the fill :thumbs_up:

can people here please help me get back on track.... i am so happy that i found this site as there are people out there that i can now talk to....

thanks :smile2:

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This site is great. I would suggest finding another doctor, or a support group in your area.

If you're remote and those possibilities are limited, then please try to do some research online. You can find good information if you're on credible sites.

LBT rocks for that kind of thing. One thing I would suggest is read the at goal posts. The ones who have thousands of posts and who are at goal have the best advice.

:thumbs_up: Good luck.

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I am not banded as of yet, but I can sure feel your pain. To be so excited over something and then feel like it has failed you. IT HASN'T!!! Your DOCTOR has!!! I sure hope you are able to start fresh with a new doctor. Best wishes form the states. -Donita

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I can't believe they didn't tell you this stuff! It is as if they want you to fail! Please feel free to ask any questions - I would be happy to help you!

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Hi, I don't know why doctors are different here in the US vs non U.S. My cousin and uncle both got the lapband done in Peru. They were never on any pre-op diet and there wasn't any post op diet.

They were allowed to drink and eat since day one after the operation. They have been lucky and lost about 90lbs each, but I do see them drink and eat. They complain that they do gain weight when they overboard, but they were never told not to drink and eat at the same time....

They also have never gotten a fill.....

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I was banded on March 10th and I have been disappointed with my weight loss. I'm down 16 lbs, but 14 of them came off in the first 3 weeks of liquid and then pureed food. I didn't get a fill until 7 weeks and it did nothing. I was still eating full meals (including steak which is supposed to be hard to process in the pouch.) I don't know how much they put in the first time, but I had another fill last week and it was 3cc. This was 9 weeks. I feel the restriction more, but I can still eat more than I should. I find that if I eat slowly - like they tell you to - I can eat anything. Last night I had 8 oz. of fish and another 4 oz of shrimp and about half a cup of green beans. This is supposed to be too much. (I was also told that string beans won't work either because, like celery, they are 'stringy'. I haven't had a problem with either.) I do eat and drink together. I'm thinking that they tell people to not drink while eating because the water helps food pass down. I've always been a big water drinker that it's hard for me to not drink when I'm eating. I'm feeling that this is more about willpower and food choices than the restriction. I'm regretting choosing the band over the bypass. At 10 weeks, I should be a lot more than 16lbs down.

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You really need to stick to what you were instructed to do by your doctor. You aren't following the cardinal rules of Lapband and angry it isn't working. You aren't measuring, and only eating the 4 oz. If you are drinking with your meal you know it won't stay in the pouch long enough to satisfy you. Yes you need will power. I hope the best for you. Even if you had the Bypass there would be rules to adhere to and you might not chose to do those either. Make the best of what you have. I am saying all of this with a good heart. I don't want any of us to fail. I expect all of you to keep me honest if I falter. Good luck.

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Honey -

The best way to get back on track is to help yourself! We can't do it for ya, sweetie. First thing I would do if I were you would be to scour the boards, first of all, and understand the lap band back and forth. if you don't want to/don't have time, then call your doctor and become a pain in the ass until you are properly educated.

If he will not fill you, find another fill doctor. Or keep calling back. This is not only your right, it's your duty. You didn't get the lap band only to go sit in a corner alone and NOT lose weight, did you?

This is your life - be active in it, not passive!

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hey there everyone!!!

thanks a mill for all your advice... i am moving house in 2 weeks out to the country so i am going to read and read about the band and start from as if i was just out of surgery when i move in. I think a new scene out of the city will help me..... nothing like a total new start!!! :thumbs_up:

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I had my band placed last april 23 and lost weight pretty well. But after 13 years of infertility (and turning 40) became pregnant in early july. The baby was born 8 weeks ago and I am nursing but ready to get back into weight loss mode full swing. Has anyone had a baby after banding and if so how did you get yourself back into restricted mode. Any advice welcome--thanks

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