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Lap-Band Surgery..Who Me?????

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Well I'm new to all this lap-band socializing. Honestly hardily anyone knows that I had the procedure..I almost didn't tell my family but my boyfriend said he would tell her if I didn't..guess he is a pretty good guy. No one at my job knows so really the only people that know are my immediate family...and I asked them not to tell people. I'm not a 'Star Jones' wanna be...I just grew up in a family of athletes and to them I felt this would seem like I failed. I never had the hardships of growing up overweight..I didn't gain weight until adulthood...2 kids and a divorce later. So all my struggles I have had with my lap-band I have had to keep repressed..then I found this website and it's a GREAT out let to tell all how I am feeling and see that others are going through the same things.

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Well I'm new to all this lap-band socializing. Honestly hardily anyone knows that I had the procedure..I almost didn't tell my family but my boyfriend said he would tell her if I didn't..guess he is a pretty good guy. No one at my job knows so really the only people that know are my immediate family...and I asked them not to tell people. I'm not a 'Star Jones' wanna be...I just grew up in a family of athletes and to them I felt this would seem like I failed. I never had the hardships of growing up overweight..I didn't gain weight until adulthood...2 kids and a divorce later. So all my struggles I have had with my lap-band I have had to keep repressed..then I found this website and it's a GREAT out let to tell all how I am feeling and see that others are going through the same things.

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I guess I am the opposite or just a big mouth! LOL I told some of those I work with, and some of my family and my friends from church. I guess I told the ones who I knew would be supportive and left the ones out who wouldn't be so much. I just couldn't contain myself and I had to tell someone. So far I have only had one who seems not so happy and that is my mother... You would have to know the history there. Basically, she has always been in competition with me on lots of things and weight being one of them. She has recently lost like 50 lbs on the Biata injection for diabetics. And I believe she is afraid I will loose more than her. Kinda sick in my mind, but who am I to judge... LOL

I don't have a significant other in my life or I would have been more apt not to tell everyone else, but feel to be successful I needed support of family and friends around me at this time!

Welcome to the site!

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Hi, I am having surgery on June 17th, and I have chosen not to tell anybody but my husband and the 2 girlfriends I have chosen to travel with me to Mexico for the procedure. I know once I return, both they and my husband will be my support. Do you think I am wrong for not telling people? Kerry

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I didn't tell my parents or siblings either. My spouse and child know as well as a hand full of best buds, but that's it. I just don't want to hear the "you didn't give the diet and exercise a chance to really work". I'm thinking 11 years is plenty of time. I guess really it was just my avoidance of the drama that would follow.

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