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I am active duty wanting desperately to get lap band. I have done a lot of research and each doctor is different with the bmi requirements. I am just under 34% bmi. I went to my PCM on Wednesday, he said he would put in my referral but today said he needed to talk to me. Don't know about what, but hoping its not to pop my bubble. I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. I got my blood work back today and found out that my cholesterol went up 20 points since Jan. I became a vegetarian 3 months ago. I have been dieting for the past 7 years with no luck, every time I get 10lbs off then I gain 15 more. I haven't been able to run for 2 and a half years. I NEED to lose about 75lbs to get back in shape. I might be facing a MEB and I only have 8 yrs till retirement. If anyone has any advice on getting TriCare to pay it would be very much appreciated.:thumbdown:

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I am active duty wanting desperately to get lap band. I have done a lot of research and each doctor is different with the bmi requirements. I am just under 34% bmi. I went to my PCM on Wednesday, he said he would put in my referral but today said he needed to talk to me. Don't know about what, but hoping its not to pop my bubble. I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. I got my blood work back today and found out that my cholesterol went up 20 points since Jan. I became a vegetarian 3 months ago. I have been dieting for the past 7 years with no luck, every time I get 10lbs off then I gain 15 more. I haven't been able to run for 2 and a half years. I NEED to lose about 75lbs to get back in shape. I might be facing a MEB and I only have 8 yrs till retirement. If anyone has any advice on getting TriCare to pay it would be very much appreciated.:rolleyes2:

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i was self pay but i wanted to share my view with you- without judgement. honestly, i know sometimes dieting is a losing battle (why we're all here) and 75lbs is a lot, but from my experience i'd probably not get the surgery if that's what i had to lose. why? not because i don't believe in the band..because i do, but because it's HARD. i mean..for me..it is H.A.R.D.

The band is a lifelong commitment and for me--right now it's alllllllll willpower because if i let into my feelings i'd eat a big mac. i mean literally i was going for the ice cream the other day and i had to remind myself...wth am i doing? and stopped.

that being said...i know what it feels like to not be successful at dieting (jeez i have 140lbs or so to lose). if it means that much to you and insurance won't pay--you might want to consider going self pay. in a way, for me, it keeps me more motivated because i was all set to by a honda and instead i got a belt:cool2:

i wish you the best!! :rolleyes2:

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